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KP App Store, the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Accounts are automatically generated in KP Learn once it receives employee/contractor information from KPIM, the Kaiser Permanente Identity Manager system. %PDF-1.5
KP Learn is Kaiser Permanente's enterprise-wide learning management system (LMS), providing employees, physicians, and contingent workers with online access to learning resources. 4. Click on Activate your account if you are a first time user. 3 0 obj
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KP Learn will use the new sign-on user name and password as of July 30, 2018, which is the same as your network and computer log in. Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day: 1-844-563-4357 Topic menu Top. Click. Then log in with your Web Single Sign-On (WSSO) credentials and the KP Learn mobile app is ready to use. stream
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