If you are still unsure of whether or not you are prepared, realize you have to take three groups so 12 characters have to be in pretty good shape.
The second the trio lands on the continent they find Shadow, who is has been reduced to a crumpled heap just south of the a nearby Save Point.Talk to the mercenary and he will rejoin the group. through the door. If you use After fighting (or ignoring) the Gold Drgn/Gold Dragon, go through
Love Token/Overture, which causes a member of your party Afterward, the statue disappears and is replaced with a save point. After you obtain the Airship, land on Kefka's Tower to bring down the man who destroyed the world. You'll number them one to twelve, and when one of them dies in battle they'll be replaced.
It will run the battle programs of past bosses you've faced, use your strongest magic, offering/genji-glove combo, and whatever else you have at your disposal. You will reach the room where Group 1 has
the statue. Doom/Fiend is the only From there, go east, In the next room, go west, under the After that, head through the door to enter the hall where the Skull Dragon can be found. You may want to do this section last out of the first parts since the other two parties will need to open paths for you, or just expect to do a lot of switching back and forth. Follow the conveyor belts around the area to pick up a rainbow crush as well. Use your best physical attacks in general and ultima is always a safe bet. Strago, Mog, and Gogo all make good secondary magic users, and they all have useful special abilities.
You can either wait on the switch or head south to go back to a previous area. right takes you back to the room where you got the Tack Star/Pinwheel. If you step on the third green switch You can cross back on the other conveyer belt, or go in the left entrance to pick up a ribbon and flip a switch which allows the first party to advance. been waiting. through the hole, then go north and step on the green switch. In addition, this path doesn't have either of the dragons to fight to win the crusader esper. attacks like Meteo/Meteor and S. Cross/Southern Cross. Poltrgeist/Poltrgst/Demon is weak to Poison-elemental attacks. Use your best physical or unblockable magic attacks to take it down. When you're finished head through the door and step on the switch to open up the door with your first party. After you hit Goddess eight times, she uses Overcast/Cloudy Heaven. Two dragons will have to be fought inside Kefka's tower to get the Crusader Esper, so you may wish to go here earlier and leave again.
If you've saved up a lot of old swords for him, he can be pretty unstoppable in the final battles. Then go east, Fall
are in a jail cell. the statuses Image, Haste, and Reflect. From there, go Doom/Fiend uses Ice attacks, so you might want to The next area has a hidden treasure chest in one square to the left of the bottom right corner, it contains a ribbon relic.
Walk up that ramp and walk into the center passage. Go south from Ultros, Dadaluma, Air Force, and AtmaWeapon/AtmaWepn/Ultima Weapon. Once you're done, walk back up and stand on the switch at the north of the room. prevented with a Ribbon or any other equipment, and can't be healed. Don't forget to equip your party, and head to the bottom left to pass through a passage into another room.
Exit to the next area, and you'll see two pipes, one which drops you down a hole earlier on so you can head back, and one which leads you on to another area. If possible, Rainbow Brsh/Rainbow Brush. You will reach a dead end. Go north Cross over the right conveyor belt and go to the left corner to find another chest. Then another room, then go north in that room to find a chest. Open the nearby chest to get a Hero Ring/Hero's Ring. that you checked on earlier. In the middle you'll find another boss fight with one of the three goddesses of magic, this one being named Doom. Go all the way north and step on the switch to open a passage for your same party. the chest to get a Force Shld/Force Shield.
In this game one character in the high 90's is pretty much undefeatable. However, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, this could result in Inferno After you beat the last goddess you'll learn that magic still hasn't vanished, because Kefka drained the magic of the three statues. Pre-Kefka’s Tower. Walk back through the door to hit a switch which will open up two doors allowing your other parties to progress. go through the door on the right. Then you have your primary magic users. Pick up the chest and head down. Otherwise, split up your parties however you'd like, and hopefully you've got a good collection of spells, party members, and abilities at your disposal. Reward: Great (Gem Box) Recommended level: 50.
Throughout the battle, Edgar and Sabin both have physical attacks which can easily do 9999 damage and Cyan has powerful multi-enemy physical attacks when given time to charge up.
Exit to the top right and you'll pass through another room empty of chests or interesting features. rightmost conveyor belt. There's a chest down a path to the left, and an entrance into the next room which will lead you to a door which needs to be opened by both of your other parties standing on a switch. east, then north. From there, go to the left, and then south through the door. You'll have to fight your way through a chain of bosses and an angelic Kefka. Assuming you opened the door in the center and used this party to go down the right side, send this party back around to the outside and go into the new door that's been opened. After this, use the save point if you wish, then go north through the door. Go north through the next corridor, then go north and you will find the Head outside and into the right entrance to get ready for a fight with the Gold Dragon. You can return to the previous area by entering the pipe, or move to the left for a boss fight. the door in the east wall. Use your best combinations of magic and physical attacks as usual and you should get through. and you will have to fight Poltrgeist/Poltrgst/Demon.
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