His work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald and Baltimore Sun. "During the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage, I became involved in a relationship with someone on my campaign," Hill said in a letter to her constituents.

Copyright © 2019 Salon.com, LLC. I, like many women who have faced attacks like this before, am stronger than those who want me to be afraid. “This coordinated effort to try to destroy me and people close to me is despicable and will not succeed. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. Freshman Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., has denied that she engaged in an improper relationship with a member of her staff, after the House Ethics Committee opened an investigation into the allegations.Hill, 32, flipped a  district last year in Orange County that was long held by Republicans, and in just nine months on Capitol Hill has since risen to the No. His work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald and Baltimore Sun. “The Committee … has begun an investigation and will gather additional information regarding the allegations.”"I am saddened that the deeply personal matter of my divorce has been brought into public view, even the false allegations of a relationship with my congressional staffer, which I have publicly denied, and I am fully and proactively cooperating with the Ethics Committee," she wrote.The allegations come after the conservative blog RedState Hill, who is openly bisexual, admitted in a statement that she had a relationship with a female campaign staffer and said it was “inappropriate” but denied having a relationship with Kelly. Copyright © 2019 Salon.com, LLC. The woman, whose name is not being released, was hired by Hill in late 2017 and quickly became involved in a “throuple” relationship with Hill and her estranged husband, Kenny Heslep. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., a staunch conservative and key ally of President Trump, called the investigation into Hill “absurd.”“The only person who seems to have a gripe is [Hill’s] soon-to-be ex,” he “I serve on Armed Services [Committee] with Katie and while we frequently disagree on substance,” Gaetz added, “she is always well-prepared, focused and thoughtful.”Igor Derysh is a staff writer at Salon. 2 Democrat on the House Oversight Committee. Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., threatened legal action after a second conservative publication published a nude photo of her.Attorneys representing Hill threatened to take legal action against The Daily Mail if the image was not taken down.“This letter serves as notice that civil and criminal laws prohibit the publication of images of the character you have posted and that our client is prepared to take all necessary means to protect her rights and to protect herself from an unprecedented, unwarranted and extraordinary offensive invasion of personal privacy,” they Her attorneys also disputed a claim in the Daily Mail report that Hill had a “Nazi-era Iron Cross” tattoo.“The claim that Representative Hill has Nazi imagery on her body in the form of a tattoo is false and defamatory,” the attorneys said. For that I apologize.”Hill, who is currently in divorce proceedings with Heslep, suggested that the photos were leaked by her ex-husband, who she said “seems determined to try to humiliate me.”“The truth is, distributing intimate photos with the intent to publish them is a crime, and the perpetrator should be punished to the full extent of the law,” she said in the letter to her constituents.Hill said she has contacted the U.S. Capitol Police about the photos.Hill has called the allegations a “smear campaign” and said in a "I am disgusted that my opponents would seek to exploit such a private matter for political gain,” Hill said.
After the publication of the first photo, “The truth is, distributing intimate photos with the intent to publish them is a crime, and the perpetrator should be punished to the full extent of the law,” Hill wrote in a Hill admitted to having a sexual relationship with a female campaign aide but denied that she had one with a congressional staffer. She could lose her committee assignment if the Ethics Committee determines that she engaged in a relationship with a congressional aide, which would violate a ban on such relationships imposed just last year.“This coordinated effort to try to destroy me and people close to me is despicable and will not succeed,” she said. "Angela Underwood Jacobs, a Republican hoping to unseat Hill next year, cited the investigation to But Hill found an unlikely defender on the other side of the aisle.

"Igor Derysh is a staff writer at Salon. All rights reserved. "I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment.

SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. On Wednesday, the House Ethics Committee “The Committee is aware of public allegations that Representative Katie Hill may have engaged in a sexual relationship with an individual on her congressional staff,” the committee said in a statement. For that I apologize.”Hill told her constituents that she is “fully and proactively cooperating with the Ethics Committee.”Hill, a 32-year-old freshman who won an upset victory in a traditionally Republican Orange County district in 2018, currently serves as the No. "I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment.

The allegations come after the conservative blog RedState published censored nude photos of Hill with a female campaign staffer and alleged she had a sexual relationship with Kelly. All rights reserved. Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., threatened legal action after a second conservative publication published a nude photo of her. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. "During the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage, I became involved in a relationship with someone on my campaign," Hill said in the letter. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press.

“We demand that you immediately cease and desist the publication of these abusive and spurious images.

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