Logo: On a black screen, "WNET" appears as a yellow outline, in a more normal font than before. Don't expect to see this on the half-hour behind-the-scenes special Inside Mercy Street. Its last appearance was on the marathon-length special PBS NewsHour: Vote 2016. This appears to have been used only briefly, and even then as an alternate logo, during PBS's "Stay Curious" campaign, but it ended up being retired quickly and the previous logo continued to be used for another year. WNET - CLG WikiWNET - CLG WikiWNET - CLG WikiWNET (1973)
Usually, the tune was played in the key of D (G, A, D) on a celesta, followed by a new age rhythmic tune played on a celesta and acoustic guitar. Seen at the start of a 1992 election special. Music/Sounds/Voice-over: A brief synth swell and a 3-note flute fanfare, then a new age percussion/choir tune, followed by the female announcer from the previous logo (Lauren Bacall) who says "This is PBS." Public Affairs: A variant appears on episodes of Frontline and Washington Week, as well as on the special America After Charleston. Was seen on 1990-1993 (seasons 15-18) episodes of Austin City Limits, and 1989-1993 (seasons 9-12) episodes of MotorWeek. PBS replaced its predecessor NET in October 5, 1970 with some of their original affiliates being KPBS in San Diego, WNET in New York, WGBH in Boston, and KCET in Los Angeles. The DVD of Zoom: Back to the 70s has this logo and the original WGBH Logo. Additionally, it can be found on Twitch.tv and Amazon.com prints of color Mister Rogers' Neighborhood episodes that PBS last aired before 1990 (final airdates here), sometimes plastering the NET logo - this includes episodes 1271, 1300, 1309, and 1324 on Amazon; and the 1988 PBS Video release of the episode "Death of a Goldfish". Availability: Extinct. Also made a sneak appearance on a few 1977-82-era episodes of The Dick Cavett Show on DECADES. Also made a sneak appearance on a few 1977-82-era episodes of The Dick Cavett Show on DECADES. In 2011, the logo was modified, removing the dot above the I. Music/Sounds: A beatbox jingle with a choir sounder. Woman in folly shirt; same acrobats from 4th variant. Music / Sounds / Voice-over Variants: On the blue variant, one of two tunes was used: Generic: Sometimes, there is no live action footage; instead the logo is placed on a custom background with bubbles. (September 27, 1993-September 28, 1997) Inspirations: A frankie are makes the dance please don't go girl on the headphones, taking a photos with a logos and frankie dancing black and white.
Strange Recipe: A storekeeper recommends a pineapple to his supermarket's customer. WNET Thirteen (2009)WNET (Creative News Group)WNET (2012) This can be seen on Availability: Very rare. Music / Sounds / Voice-over Variant: There is a rare variant that exists without the voice-over. Availability: Extinct. Clips from episodes are shown together over the orange background before the PBS logo appears as usual. It's now on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkVE7uT5h6wThis rare find was found in the January 1951 version of the Radio-Electronics Magazine: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/6/69/WATV_Test_Pattern_1951.png/revision/latest?cb=20191011010901I found this on a 1974 programme called Process: Video Revolution. A funky hip-hop version of the music is used.) Logo: On a computer-generated sky background, a person standing to the left covers his or her head with a black circle with the PBS P-Head on it in white. PBS (2009)Public Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPBS - 2009Public Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG WikiPublic Broadcasting Service - CLG Wiki
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