360 Pro. You can quickly compile a multi-kahoot “tournament” leaderboard and podium. The more correct answers the player submits, the more points they score.Find the perfect picture for every slide and question in our premium image library, which features millions of images.Keep everybody on their toes by varying dynamics with image reveals.Keep learners engaged and expand topics you can ask questions about by using images as answer alternatives for multiple-choice questions.Boost interaction by asking players to type a short answer.

Premium Event edition, our product plan tailored for one-off events of all different sizes.Bigger companies play a bigger game! By importing slides and adding interactive questions and polls, you can create and deliver engaging presentations that everyone remembers. By purchasing a non-profit plan you confirm you are a registered non profit organization.Discover how Kahoot! Plus or Kahoot!

360 Pro.We offer a free trial on Kahoot! We’re serving nice cookies to it so that your next visit to our website is even more awesome. in a commercial setting, you’ll need to upgrade to one of our paid plans for business.This plan includes all you need to use Kahoot! 360 Pro, you can have up to 2,000 simultaneous players in one kahoot.During a kahoot, players join using nicknames. You can quickly compile a multi-kahoot “tournament” leaderboard and podium. Select your organization type during signup to claim this offer. Registered nonprofits and NGOs can sign up for Kahoot! for businesses is someone who creates and hosts branded kahoot games, assigns challenges for remote training, tracks results with advanced reports.

for businesses, including special offers, are listed per user (someone who creates and hosts kahoot games).

challenge before your event to generate buzz, engage the audience with some competition during the event, and recap on key points with a follow-up kahoot after the event finishes. For example, it can be a trainer or a presenter. Additionally, this plans gives you a license to use Kahoot! Registered nonprofits and NGOs can sign up to Standard, Pro, Premium, and Kahoot! “jukebox mode”.Probably the hardest part of any new job is getting started. From e-learning, to interactive presentations and training, it’s easy to create a kahoot game in minutes. Sales pros love to compete, which is why Kahoot!

games.We offer a free trial on Kahoot!

Player identifier for e-learning So, if you want to play Kahoot! Registered nonprofits and NGOs can sign up for Kahoot! Posted two months ago Perfect for arranging dates chronologically, for exampleGive players more context by adding slides of information between questions.Boost knowledge retention and remove guesswork from quiz questions by asking participants to select and submit multiple answers.
Are you a teacher, business or parent affected by COVID-19?

Players don’t need an account or a business license to join your kahoots.With Kahoot! This video is unavailable. can support you. Present live games remotely or in-person, or share self-paced games. In addition, you can co-create kahoots with your colleagues, share them in your secure team space, organize them in folders and brand them with your company logo.In Kahoot!

All Kahoot! Use challenges before a training event to help tailor your content, after an event to reinforce learning, or for remote and virtual training.Your custom branding will appear on the lobby screen as players wait for the kahoot to begin, throughout the kahoot, and on the podium.All Kahoot! Premium and Kahoot! Please DM us if …
Pro, Kahoot! As part of our mission to make learning awesome, we’re committed to keep Kahoot! Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue image library (provided by Getty Images).A Kahoot! This identifier shows in reports and allows you to use our “combined report” feature.If players use our Android or iOS app to join, their identifier is saved after the first time they enter it so they won’t have to enter it again when joining your kahoots in the future. Here’s a short overview of our business plans to help you find the right one!Get a taste of Kahoot! Click “upgrade now” at any time or contact us.Yes, with the polls and word clouds, which are available in Pro, Premium, and Kahoot! All Rights Reserved.

for business plans.By using Kahoot!, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals took a Mastering policies isn’t easy. helps learn in a simpler, more dynamic way...a lot of learning actually happens without even realizing it.” Treats for your browser! Depending on your plan, up to 2,000 players can join a kahoot using a nickname!When you host a tournament or want to assign personalized learning, players can join using a nickname but are also identified with email or another parameter. The app will space these repeats out over the course of seven days. helps teams – including remote and distributed teams – connect, share knowledge, and have fun. We’re serving nice cookies to it so that your next visit to our website is even more awesome. Select your organization type during signup to claim this offer.With the Basic plan, you can get started with Kahoot! 360 Pro.We offer a free trial on Kahoot! Teachers, trainers, event managers, classroom and office superheroes - Kahoot!

to strengthen culture With Kahoot! as an interactive presentation tool!Get attendees to stop by your stand and hold their attention, by playing kahoot games in a loop at your trade show booth. Close × Create in minutes. “Policies contain a lot of important content that isn’t always easy to remember. Interactive presentation features are available with Kahoot! not only with employees but also your customers and partners, that’s the right plan for you!Kahoot! Create training courses with combined leaderboards (coming soon)

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