We welcome you back to NJC!All the best for your results and we look forward to see you!The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is an annual exercise conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE)….Joint Admission Exercise to JC Programme for Sec 4 students The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is an annual exercise conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE). A-Level results: More students score at least 3 H2 passes. Find out which School produces results! Images of annular eclipse captured on NJC's high resolution telescopes. It was interesting to view societal issues through the lens of a minister. But a log-in is still required for our PDFs.Share gift link below with your friends and family.They can read the article in full after signing up for a free account.Please verify your e-mail to continue reading the article.The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired.Get unlimited access to The Straits Times and more at S$ 0.99/month.You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month In a ceremony held at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Lionel Oh Wei Hao (15SH03), Chu Sin Ping Natalie (15SH04) and Yeo Su Yia Denise (15SH08) received their awards in the presence of educators, families and friends. They learnt about the manipulative nature of falsehoods and false rumours (Sixth Pillar of Total Defence : Digital Defence) and how verifying sources of information is both an individual and collective responsibility.The release of the 2019 GCE A-Level examination results will take place on 21 February 2020 (Friday) at 2.30pm. The above information are obtained from students that received their A Level results in 2018. They have truly made history and created a great legacy for their juniors to carry forward.The college is extremely proud of all 529 Eunoians who sat the 2018 GCE A-Level Examination. In many ways their growth and development have been defined by the college culture they have pioneered, the college spirit they have fostered, the friendships they have built, and the cognitive sharpness they have developed. It also affirms staff and student groups, in particular, Green Link Club, in their green projects.Download the 2017 JH1 Registration Pre Briefing slides NJC welcomes our 2018 Junior High One (JH1) Students.Parents must attend the session. It presents the Sun as an orange blank solar disk. ... deeming it a “fitting conclusion” to his JC journey. The theme for this year’s seminar is ‘#transformingourSG’, where we re-evaluate the practices and assumptions of the past and its relevant application to the future and explore innovative ideas to solve new problems.We were also given the chance to listen to insights by the Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung and Minister in Prime Minister’s Office, Ms Indranee Rajah. ... 2019, with the headline '2018 A-level cohort scores record passing rate'. Service with honour! "The (merged) college is happy about the achievements. A white-light solar telescope enables us to see the bright white light from the Sun. Your academic results must not define you. Those who got a place and the course exemptions may start their diploma studies in the second semester, in October.A former student of Jurong JC, Mr Ben Tay, 20, is grateful to his principal for letting him retake his A-levels, for he improved on his previous results. Project Work is a one year A-Level course work subject that trains students with important 21 st century skills such as team work, critical thinking and communication. Applications for the PFP will stay open from 2.00pm on Friday, 12 January 2018 until 4.00pm on Wednesday, 17 January 2018. The MOE press release can be found Congratulations to Victoria Emily Hui Ting Buckland (First Prize Award), Wang Yuhang (Commendation Award) and Sim Yu Ki (Commendation Award)Congratulations to Victoria Emily Hui Ting Buckland (First Prize Award), Wang Yuhang (Commendation Award) and Sim Yu Ki (Commendation Award) for their outstanding performance at the 2016 A*STAR Talent Search (ATS).The performance of our 3 students placed National Junior College as the top performing school at the 2016 ATS. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. Start with a Free Tutor Search! No. “Instead of worrying, why not figure out solutions together?” Most importantly, our First Class served as writers of the Eunoia story, handing over a school culture future generations of Eunoians are proud to call their own.Mrs Kellie Woo, the Dean of our 2018 JC2 cohort, shared her heartfelt thoughts, ‘I am extremely proud of our pioneering cohort, who have been with Eunoia every step of the journey, some from as early as 2013. DR HANG KIM HOO, principal of Jurong Pioneer JC, on the improved results of both Jurong and Pioneer JCs. SINGAPORE - Students who sat the GCE A-level examination in 2018 achieved the best passing rate since the curriculum was revised in 2006.

What kind of person you are years ahead would be most important and how NJC has imbued a deep sense of service to others is the marker for what we in NJC stand for.Please take some time to appreciate and thank the ones who have contributed to your development and success: your teachers, parents and the wider NJC community.NJC received the Lotus Award in the SEC-Starhub School Green Awards 2017, recognizing efforts at the school infrastructure and curriculum levels to put in place eco-friendly practices. On the whole, the Pre-University experience was definitely an enriching one that I have fond memories of.Written by Xavier Tham, 18SH09, NJC representative for 2018 MOE Pre-U SeminarJoel Goh, 18SH18, NJC representative for 2018 MOE Pre-U SeminarCrystal Chan, 18SH02, NJC representative for 2018 MOE Pre-U SeminarNJCians have had an amazing run at Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF2018), with 68 shortlisted projects.

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