eh,not really, they are both at fault. RELATED: Netflix's The Witcher: Yennefer's 10 Most Badass Scenes However, Yen was also vital, as she was the one who found out that Margarita was there in the first place and the one who created a portal so she could leave.The reasons why Yennefer joined forces with Emperor Emhyr were clear in that she wanted to find/help Emhyr might not have been as bad as Radovid, yet his armies still slaughtered many people. Killing someone isn't normally considered heroic, yet Yennefer saved Síle from a lot more pain.Local priestesses were understandably furious at the loss of their sacred garden. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want.

Then she marched into the guest room and rearranged things to her liking, including throwing out the bed (because it reminded her of Geralt and Triss). 9 DESTROYING A SACRED GARDEN In addition to vandalizing a corpse for information and desecrating Skellige's burial rites, Yennefer also added salt to the wounds by destroying an important landmark for the place. That is a great example of treating someone you love the right way.When Geralt lost his memory, he ended up in bed with Yen's good friend, Triss Merigold. Even sorceresses like Triss consider necromancy vile and cruel, but Yennefer is different in a bad way sometimes. Yennefer is a bad lady. Over time, she and Geralt have had quite the complicated, roller-coaster of a relationship. While in Skellige, the Sorceress acquired Geralt's help in stealing the mask of Uroboros. Luckily Skellige survived, but Yen's actions put everyone living there at risk.Everyone who defended Ciri from the Wild Hunt at Kaer Morhen was heroic, and that includes Yennefer. Yen wanted to utilize it to see what Ciri did in Skellige as it might've given them a clue to her whereabouts.Ermion refused to let Yennefer and Geralt use the mask as it could've potentially caused the destruction of Skellige. The Witcher's Geralt has a tumultuous relationship with Yennefer, and the games, show, and books all capture this turmoil perfectly. AD The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Geralt deserves someone who wants to love him, and sometimes Yen is simply not that person.No matter how far away Yen pushes Geralt, they always seem to crash back into each other. When she healed Jaskier, she made Geralt humiliate the local men who were obsessed with her as payment. He saved her life, she saved his friend, they were in love, they raised a daughter together.

When they did, she finally was able to be sure if she loved him or not. Sort by. The Witcher did most of the work in the rescue as he was the one to get her cell open. In a complicated magic world, that's very sweet, risking your life to love someone for real.Because of Geralt's wish, though, Yen had a terrible habit of pushing him away. But sometimes Yen gets things really right, and that's why he can't stop loving her. Yen normally does anything and everything for her own gain. Either by chance or because (against her better wishes) she needs him for something. It was a roast like no other. share. Or conversely, Triss is a horrible person who betrayed Geralt OR Triss is wonderful and joyful and full of light and strawberries.

The mask allowed the user to see into the past. She came up with the idea of asking the few who remained from the Lodge of Sorceress to help.One of those was Margarita Laux-Antille, who was being held at a prison in Oxenfurt named Deireadh. She knew about Geralt and Yen, but happily ignored it to shoot her shot with the Witcher that got her all hot and bothered.

She was Geralt of Rivia's true love and a mother figure to Ciri, whom she viewed like a daughter to the point that she did everything she could to rescue the girl and keep her from harm. 19 comments. Well, Yen is always there to help if she can. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers That's not the best way to treat a man you love.Geralt and Yennefer aren't always on the same page in their relationship or their stances on life, but when he's in need?

In the first part in there relationship she wanted to put him on a short leash and he vanished without a goodbye cause of that. Even ignoring Geralt, Istredd was always painfully in love with her and it was cruel to string him along. It was a move that potentially saved both her and Geralt's lives.After the previously mentioned bed throwing incident, Geralt had the option to push Yennefer into talking about his relationship with Triss. Yennefer of Vengerberg has always been one of the most interesting characters in the Witcher franchise, with bad and heroic actions to her name. A few minutes later, it was revealed that it was actually Ciri who wanted to open the portal between the worlds so she could stop the White Frost. In-Game vs. She treats Geralt better than most anyone else in her life.Especially early on in their relationship, Yennefer would often boomerang between Geralt and Istredd, using the men to share her bed and give her company, but never committing. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up.

And if we count everything that he did in the books, namely his attempted kidnap and impregnation of his own daughter, then Yen shouldn't have helped him find Ciri.Margarita wasn't the only Sorceress Yen and Geralt found in Deireadh prison. Many of their encounters were littered with her leaving in the middle of the night, accusing him of forcing her to care because of the wish, and even using her magic to transport him into a lake.People don't call her an ice queen for no reason.

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