In that case Namine was born. As for Xion she is a mixed Nobody of Sora and Kairi.
Her first appearance is in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
In KH1 Kairi's heart was within Sora. Namine(kairis nobody) and Kairis heartless?! Kairi is also a Princess of Heart, one of seven maidens whose hearts hold no darkness but only pure light, and is needed to open the Final Keyhole to Kingdom Hearts.
Roxas, the Key of Destiny (めぐりあう鍵, Meguriau Kagi?, lit Serendipitous Key) is the Nobody of Sora, and Rank XIII of Organization XIII.Like Naminé, he was born when Sora released his own heart in order to restore Kairi's. :) - Follow me on Twitch! She wears a pair of pink panties under her skirt along with a frilly white garter. In addition, little bows are seen on the straps and the right side, attaching to her skirt. At first, Naminé replaced Sora's memories of Kairi with memories of her so that he would come and save her. - Follow me on Twitter to stay updated as well as post suggestions and get in contact with me! During her time in Castle Oblivion, she was ordered by Organization XIII's Namine is physically the same as Kairi except with lighter eyes and longer blonde hair. Ventus hid in Sora's heart, so Sora's Nobody looks like Ventus. When Kairi briefly became a Heartless in Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts, Naminé was created, and there, Sora gave his heart to Kairi, creating Roxas, Sora's Nobody. When using her keyblade wings in her battle against Momiji, her style becomes as Original Style: Murakumo. She is Sora and Riku's best friend. Naminé also has the ability to summon allies into battle through a Not much is known about Naminé's relationship with Back of Namine in a dark room.
KaiNami is the femslash ship between Kairi and Naminé from the Kingdom Hearts fandom. But to answer your question. Naminé often rebelled against her captors because of this guilt in favor of trying to redeem herself by helping someone. She also plays a minor role in Kingdom Hearts II and III and appears in some cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. When Naminé took on the task of re-chaining Sora's memories together so that he will remember everything he had forgotten, but lose his memories of Castle Oblivion, she was unable to make much progress. When Sora released his heart and Kairi's heart at the same time Xion was born. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days In addition, she can create objects affected by the new memories, evidenced by turning a card into a good luck charm for the Riku Replica and altering the appearance of Kairi's She can also cover up Sora's memory of Kairi with her own image, but as she is Kairi's Nobody, it is impossible for Naminé to completely snuff out Kairi from anyone's memories, as shown when he regained a small memory of her even though he couldn't think of her name. And this means I take both Conversely, those with the greatest connections to Sora cannot ever completely forget him, as evidenced by Kairi, who still slightly remembered Sora, but not his name, his face, or the sound of his voice, while all other citizens of the Destiny Islands (along with all the people in other worlds) had completely forgotten about Sora's existence. She is also apparently very talented with her drawing, as seen when she finished a complex drawing of Castle Oblivion in Examples of Naminé's emotional capacity are as follows: Because of this, the walls of her room are covered by pictures of events, places, and people that are in Sora's memory. This means Namine is Kairi. [ edit ] I read the ansem reports and it said Kairi had a nobody a.k.a Namine and a heartlesss but how I dunno read secret ansem report 8 or 9 its one of those two.This is not a forum or a fan-theroie just a confused question as to why the report says that!? The frilly skirt isn't completely connected and uses the shirt's right bow to keep themselves attached. Background Edit.
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