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Invasive definition, characterized by or involving invasion; offensive: invasive war. Try it See more. All rights reserved.Every party we have is crashed by those invasive neighbors.requiring the entry of a needle, catheter, or other instrument into a part of the body, especially in a diagnostic procedure, as a biopsy: An x-ray is not invasive, but it may not tell us everything we need to know. Metamorphosis Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn!

The following year, you glance into the pond and you see goldfish everywhere! For example, a clam-like creature called a zebra mussel can attach itself to boats. Early European colonists of the New World and the Pacific introduced organisms that cause the Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.The American Heritage® Science Dictionary

This is just one example of an Think about all of the many working parts of a car. Invasive definition is - tending to spread especially in a quick or aggressive manner: such as. Did you know… We have over 200 college

When it does this, it ''hitches a ride'' to wherever that boat is going to next. As you can see, it takes very careful judgment to solve an invasive species problem, especially because it is almost always our fault! has thousands of articles about every

How to use invasive in a sentence.

The impacts of an invasive species citizen science training program on participant attitudes, behavior, and science literacy. If you set an animal free into the wild, it could have a huge impact on the environment around it. 2).

Arachnids Lesson for Kids: Characteristics & EvolutionAmazon River Dolphin Lesson for Kids: Habitat & FactsDwarf Mongoose Lesson for Kids: Facts, Habitat & Scientific NameEuropean Brown Bear Lesson for Kids: Facts & HabitatHow to Use a Punnett Square Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples This is the British English definition of invasive.View American English definition of invasive. Difference Between Alligators & Crocodiles: Lesson for Kids

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3:04 4:06

2:50 3:30 Do you see the chain reaction that could happen as a result of an invasive species? Invasive species are often introduced to an environment unintentionally, as the zebra mussel was to the Great Lakes, but are sometimes introduced for a purpose, as kudzu was to the southern US, where it was originally planted to control erosion. Top synonyms for invasive (other words for invasive) are invading, intrusive and trespassing.

Learn more about invasive species, how they are problematic, and solutions for …
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins

Definition and synonyms of invasive from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

Synonyms for invasive at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. 3:12 3:51 Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Invasive species often have few natural predators or other biological controls in their new environment. All rights reserved. John P. Rafferty writes about Earth processes and the environment. invasive: [ in-va´siv ] 1. reaching or taking over surrounding tissues; see invasiveness (def. Although not always considered harmful to an environment, invasive species can become agricultural or ecological pests and can displace native species from their habitats. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary However, this can also lead to bigger problems, such as too many snakes!

3:24 2:47

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