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), an introduction to human services: cases and applications (8th ed. Merci d’essayer à nouveau.
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AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SERVICES, 9th Edition, defines human services, reviews the historical development of the field, and delivers a practical overview of the profession. 0000013472 00000 n
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Introduction to Human Services Ms. Struckhoff Fall Semester, 2014 Instructor Jessi Struckhoff (room 1167) Voice Mail (816) 986- 1499 ext. 0000021428 00000 n
Wednesdays 2:00 – 5:00 and by appointment.
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Students gain a solid grounding in such fundamental concepts as serving the whole person, using an interdisciplinary approach, interacting with helper and client, preparing generalists, and empowering clients. ), problem solving in the helping professions, helping process: assessment to termination, and interviewing: what every student wants to know. 0000001561 00000 n
Votre adresse de livraison: with marianne woodside, dr. mcclam is co-author of introduction to human services (8th ed. 0000017760 00000 n
Un problème s'est produit lors du chargement de ce menu pour le moment. ), generalist case management: a method of human service delivery (5th ed. 7883 Plan Period 6th hr. 0000003380 00000 n
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Her primary research interests are international human services, human service education, and case management. 0000021505 00000 n
�969@X��r cific ways in which human service workers go about the tasks of interviewing, counseling, leading groups, and planning and organizing programs and social change campaigns.
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