After a series of well timed attacks on Ustanak, Jake lands the finishing blow on the monster and sends it falling into the lava. Keep in mind that Jake is in his early 20's, and he's already physically stronger than Chris who's like in his late 30's to early 40's in RE6. He is extremely good with the Nine-oh-Nine.

They also found Sherry's phone, and she contacted Simmons, finding out that he was already in China. Wanting to contact her superiors and inform them of their situation, Sherry and Jake searched for a terminal where they could establish a line. Jake mentioned that he believes he acts like he does due to his father's actions, even asking Sherry if she doesn't think crazy runs in his family and he mentioned his actions make some sense to him now. Jacob "Jake" Muller-Wesker is one of the main protagonists in Resident Evil 6. Basic experience with ARM development and .NET framework in visual studio environment. It was pursued by The Family's helicopters along with the Ustanak. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other 1 appearances; No recent wiki edits to this page. Jake Muller is a character from the Resident Evil series of survival horror games. You were rather amazed, but it was nice to see a different side of Jake. I am a hardworking, honest individual looking to expand my knowledge in web development. Looking out his window, the boy watched as numerous Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tracked down by the ELF's mutant mountain troops, the two were forced to escape from their cabin shelter and skied along the mountain, soon pursued by an avalanche.

Boomstick: Jake can also kill a mutant zombie with his bare hands. any Comic Vine content. Literally. He makes his debut in Resident Evil 6 as one of the main characters. He is a anti-heroic freelance mercenary employed to team up with Sherry Birkin to save the world with his blood. They found a lift that traveled at a fast speed, but they were met with Ustanak and a gush of lava. He has a basketball background and impressed us with his smooth movement skills and pass catching ability. Follow 4952. Regarding the mother of Jake Muller, it seems certain that she has already died of an illness. Jake promises Sherry that he'll run if the situation goes southSherry warns Jake about Simmons' intentions. A to-do app with a twist. He was soon after killed in an explosion, either by the train itself being destroyed or the carriage being decuppled and consumed by the explosion from NEST. With a smug look on his face, he refused, and Sherry replied, saying he'd promised. This app allows the user to layout their day with tasks to be completed. Once there, a J'avo caught them off guard and Sherry pleaded for Jake to run. And I still say Jake does not have powers. With no other choice but to hope that Leon heard her, Sherry and Jake went to continue their journey to the rendezvous. 0. Sherry, disgusted with his words, scolds him, saying he can blame his father all he wants, but he has to take responsibility for his own actions. Jake Muller appears in 2 issues View all Capcom 30th Anniversary Character Encyclopedia. As they held on for their lives on the lift, Jake thanked Sherry for saving his life. Her safety was guaranteed by Kennedy, who accepted an offer to work as an agent in their new After six months of experimentation by Neo Umbrella while sealed within a laboratory complex, Sherry and Muller finally made their escape, travelling through a Sherry and Jake escape the undersea lab after eliminating Ustanak.After the events of Lanshiang, Jake handed over his blood sample to Sherry and left. He was portrayed by Troy Baker, who also voiced Booker DeWitt, Talion, Joel, Delsin Rowe, Erron Black, Snow Villiers, Jason Todd, Orkos, Rhys, and Sam Drake. No description Jake Muller, également connu sous le nom de Jake Wesker, est le fils illégitime de l'eugéniste défunt d'Umbrella, le virologue et bioterroriste Albert Wesker. You should be happy Spike. Looks like your text is -9715 character over the limit.
After six months of being experimented on, Jake was being escorted by several J'avo to an unknown location, a few moments later Jake paused, much to the annoyance of one J'avo. After shocking the creature and knocking it into the water, Sherry and Jake once again attempted to flee using another raft. He's described as a "mysterious, jaded, battle-worn mercenary." Previously an emigre to the United States, Muller's mother returned to her home country pregnant, having broken up with her partner Dr. Albert Wesker, then an Umbrella intelligence agent, who was unaware of his son. Après avoir vraisemblablement rompu avec Weske… While one of the J'avo was unlocking the door to continue the escort, Jake attacked two J'avo with another's firearm before snapping the J'avo's neck, he then uncuffed himself and proceeded to finish off the others, after finishing off the stragglers he then deactivated the power in order to continue his escape. Under that cold exterior, he did have a big heart. 1 appearances; Resident Evil 6 Artworks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Helena and Leon quickly rebutted, and a fire fight soon ensued. Jake Muller

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59 tight end in … Fanfiction Jake Muller Albert Wesker Chris Redfield Piers Nivans Sherry Birkin ... Wesker is driven insane by the loss of his wife, unable to accept her death. The Jake Muller Adventures' central character is, of course, Jake Muller. While making his escape Jake assisted Sherry several times via security turrets, and soon found his way into a locker room mere moments after Sherry. When reinforcements were dropped at the city square, Muller and Birkin boarded a Chinook heading out of the city.

Sub-power of Peak Human Condition. After coming across web development, I quickly became interested and have been dedicated to building my skills in the field ever since. Jake is the biological son of series villain Albert Wesker. Years later, her G-Virus laced blood would be used by bio-terrorist and This section is based on a game with branching story paths, or several games with conflicting accounts.

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