The HMM Algeciras will enjoy a reduction of 51% in COBjarne Foldager – Senior Vice President, Head of Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions – said: The HMM Algeciras was recently launched at the Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) Okpo shipyard in Geoje, Korea. As we reported earlier, the first of these ships, the HMM Algeciras was recently launched and is set to become the world’s largest containership, measuring 399.9 meters long and with a beam of 61 meters and depth of 33.2 meters, During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than ever maintaining a good housekeeping onboard can help prevent the virus spread, reports Safety4Sea and we agree to... Please provide your profile picture and a brief about you to be featured here.... On the 23 rd of April 2020, HMM, the 9 th largest container shipping line in the world, became the latest title holder of the largest container vessel on the earth when they revealed “HMM Algeciras“, their first 24,000 TEU containership at a naming ceremony in Korea.. HMM’s new series of twelve 23,964 TEU ultra large containerships will each be powered by an MAN B&W G95ME-C10.5 low-speed main engine. DSME will ultimately construct seven of the series vessels, and fellow South Korean Wayne Jones OBE, Chief Sales Officer and Member of the Executive Board, MAN Energy Solutions, said, “We closely follow market trends and this opportunity comes at a time when modern shipping is placing new demands on engine developers. The current position of HMM ALGECIRAS is at Red Sea (coordinates 18.64626 N / 39.59415 E) reported 9 days ago by AIS.

The vessel is equipped with a hybrid version of an exhaust-gas scrubber that can run with both open and closed circuits, enabling compliance with IMO 2020 fuel regulations.While the engine’s power delivery has been adjusted downwards to achieve an optimal fuel consumption, the ME-C Mk 10.5 type is capable of delivering 6,870 kW per cylinder, making it the most powerful engine ever developed by MAN Energy Solutions’ Two-Stroke business. The newbuilding measures 400 metres in length and 61 meters in beam, and was ordered in August 2018 as part an order for 12 ultra-large containerships. The HMM Algeciras will enjoy a reduction of 51% in CO2 emissions, compared with previous generations of container vessels, with the help of the new engine.Bjarne Foldager, Senior Vice President, Head of Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions, said, “The market has been asking for an engine with the capability to handle the propulsion of today’s gigantic containerships and we feel that this new platform delivers in every technical regard. All rights reserved. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It is truly pleasing that it has proven itself aboard such a noteworthy vessel.”© International Institute of Marine Surveying 2020. Among other features, the platform/engine comes equipped with MAN Energy Solutions’ new fuel-booster injection valve (FBIV), and top-controlled exhaust valve (TCEV). HMM, the South Korean shipping company, has launched the first in a series of 12 ultra-large containerships that will each feature individual MAN B&W G95ME-C10.5 low-speed main engines. Watch the vessel ‘Ever Judger’ caught fire following an oil spill that occurred on the Chevron terminal in eastern Kalimanta. HSD Engine Co. Ltd. built the new engine for HMM Algeciras in South Korea. HMM launched the first in a series of 12 ultra-large containerships that will each feature individual MAN B&W G95ME-C10.5 low-speed main enginesAt 23,964 teu, the ‘HMM Algeciras’ is the world’s largest containership and is bound for a working life between Asia and Europe.While the engine’s power delivery has been adjusted downwards to achieve an optimal fuel consumption, the ME-C Mk 10.5 type is capable of delivering 6,870 kW per cylinder, making it the most powerful engine ever developed by MAN Energy Solutions’ Two-Stroke business. The vessel HMM ALGECIRAS (IMO: 9863297, MMSI 351297000) is a Container Ship built in 2020 and currently sailing under the flag of Panama. Information. While various... All twelve vessels are scheduled for delivery during 2020.HSD Engine Co. Ltd. built the new engine in South Korea.

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