The last ship of the class to be constructed, Newcastle entered service with the Royal Australian Navy in 1993. Steaming 815,000 nautical miles, the ship pulled into Garden Island on Sunday, ending a career which included earning battle honours in East Timor and the Persian Gulf, as well as peacekeeping operations in the Solomon Islands. Share the post "HMAS Newcastle formally decommissioned"The Royal Australian Navy has celebrated the completion of 25 years of service by HMAS Newcastle at a ceremony to decommission the ship at her home port of Garden Island in Sydney.Since commissioning in 1993, Newcastle has steamed around 815,000 nautical miles, deployed on operations to the Middle East six times; earned battle honours for her service in East Timor, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East; and conducted peacekeeping operations in the Solomon Islands.Newcastle also undertook a number of humanitarian operations, including rescuing two injured yachtsman from the Solo Global Challenger in the tragic 1998 Sydney to Hobart yacht race and rescuing the crew of Ocean Rowing Boat Transventure in 2003.Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Michael Noonan said the Ship’s Company were honoured to be the last crew to serve in Newcastle and he was pleased the occasion could be shared with many former Ship’s Company, who attended the decommissioning ceremony.“For those who served in Newcastle it was not just their workplace, it was their home away from home and they can look back on their time on board with pride,” Vice Admiral Noonan said.“The 5000 men and women who served in this ship achieved great things and, for some, Newcastle represents key milestones in their lives and their careers.”Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said that Newcastle had been essential in protecting Australia’s maritime interests.“HMAS Newcastle has served the Royal Australian Navy with distinction for over quarter of a century,” Senator Reynolds said.“I pay tribute to the Ship’s Company whose service on Newcastle over the years has contributed to security at sea, at home and abroad.”Newcastle was decommissioned to make way for the Hobart-class guided missile destroyers, which will provide Australia with an improved war fighting capability.Share the post "HMAS Newcastle formally decommissioned"Managing Editor This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Image: News Corp Australia Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. The ship's final CO also thanked and acknowledged the ship's "launching lady", Margaret McNaughton. Able Seaman Georgia Clark, from Pokolbin, said she enlisted at the Defence Force recruiting office in Hunter Street.

"You also think about all the other things the ship has done over its life as well, to all lead up to that moment when the ensign comes down." The seller won't accept returns for this item. "We are so very, very proud of you all." Image shows each side of the coin. Just before the ceremony, Margaret McNaughton said she felt excited "but overwhelmed with sadness" at saying goodbye to "our" ship. During her career, the frigate has operated as part of the INTERFET peacekeeping taskforce, served in the Persian Gulf, and responded … HMAS Newcastle on Operation MANITOU in the Middle East region. The audience heard how the pride extended beyond the ship to the city whose name it carried. After more than 25 years' service in the Royal Australian Navy, participating in operations in East Timor, Solomon Islands and the Middle East, HMAS Newcastle was officially decommissioned at Fleet Base East at Sydney's Garden Island on Sunday. Application may not work as expected.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to view this page. CAPTION: HMAS Newcastle’s decommissioning crew march off their ship for the last time. Please note: All comments made or shown here are bound by the In the audience were 12 former commanding officers of the ship, and members of the original crew, who vividly remembered the first entry into the port of Newcastle in 1993. HMAS Newcastle Decommissioning Round Challenge Coin. "Few will dispute the bond between our namesake city and our ship is second to none," Commander Sellick told the gathering. "It's a weird feeling, I'm not going to serve on another Newcastle, I don't imagine," Able Seaman Clark said. "It was the first time I'd ever entered a port and got tingles," recalled Chief Petty Officer Gary Swanton, who had travelled from Melbourne to be with former shipmates for the ceremony. HMAS Newcastle has sailed over 900 000 nautical miles in 25 years of service, and received battle honours for operations in East Timor, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East.

Weight 63 grams. The Royal Australian Navy has celebrated the completion of 25 years of service by HMAS Newcastle at a ceremony to decommission the ship at her home port of Garden Island in Sydney. "Few will dispute the bond between our namesake city and our ship is second to none," Commander Sellick told the gathering. After Commander Sellick handed the folded flag to Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Jonathan Mead, he declared the ensign would be kept in "safe keeping, until the commissioning of the next ship that bears the name Newcastle". "You were creating history, because it was the first RAN ship to be named after a non-capital city, and that history ends today, I guess." Among the crowd of supporters was the ship’s Launching Lady, former Newcastle City Lady Mayoress Margaret McNaughton, who watched with a … "It belongs to the city, so I'm sharing," Mrs McNaughton said. Read More: On board for the last voyage of HMAS Newcastle PO Box 3091 Minnamurra

HMAS Newcastle Decommissioning. Warning - there was an unexpected script error. AS the Australian white ensign was lowered at the stern of HMAS "There's a lot of memories that come flooding back about your time in command," she said.

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