Which means 99% of the men I become interested in are guys I see on a semi regular basis - work, the gym, etc. But my only interest here is flirting and the good that it can do. If you're suspicious, just let time do its work and have fun as you learn about her. Follow these flirt tips and practice till you're an expert flirt. As for a woman starting to flirt with you, no you do not have to be very careful because NOTHING out of your control can happen in a mere conversation.And, no, for me flirting is not work at all. Some people don't like sports because it is also "game playing", and that's fine too.But most of all, it's not at all phony. I think most guys could learn how to do it well pretty easily, and I've seen too many guys miss opportunities, and women complaining privately about their bad approaches. For me, a little gentle flirting is part of that effort.
How accurately can you decipher flirting from non-flirting? We’re still left with the puzzle of Fox, K. (2004). For me flirting is not a game, its a serious signal of interest, I want to know if its real or I'm just being played. Because overly frank exchanges often scare people away.I don't know what cave you've been living in, but many women ask men out and approach men. Hitting on someone is direct and to the point.Flirting is stuff like prolonged eye contact, a wink, a girl playing with her hair (which I didn't even know was a thing until I was married for ten years), giving someone a "look", or a suggestive comment.Hitting on someone is what happens if the flirting goes well. But the problem is there are a lot who can be slowly warmed up who will ALWAYS SAY NO FIRST to the straight up, wanna get laid -- yes or no, approach.In a way, flirting for some people is a test of someone's sense of humor and social skill. Based on the response, you THEN decide if you want to go further.I think it's naive and unrealistic to think that you should always know if someone is just flirting for fun, or if they want to get to know you. Bereits mit sechs HIT-Einheiten ließe sich die Sauerstoffverwertung in der Muskulatur um 50 Prozent, Muskelglykogen um 20 Prozent und die aerobe Ausdauer auf dem Rad um 100 Prozent steigern. But flirting is fun and this way it’s pretty low pressure for me since I never have to worry about them seeing my penis. It's just a different approach....why don't you put all this energy that you're devoting to defending flirting into world hunger or some other campaign?Not a bad idea. Flirty is almost innocent stuff, because it's an indirect suggestion. It’s about picking someone up. 100% Upvoted. Attribution theory in social psychology. They are almost synonyms, but when somebody flirts, you are not sure if there is something going on. I have no use for phoniness and game playing. SHARE.
I think it's great fun. Just look at the comment some guy left above. Seriously, how can one tell the difference?
;-)Ya, expressions of interest vs out right expressions of desire. It is not necessarily a bad idea at all. When I flirt Im saying I admire you, thats all, but its a game that can go to various levels, I choke if it goes beyond the initial complement, but somewhere on some level I,m looking for feedback that I have sex appeal to you by your reactions. Had more girlfriends in college than I could handle, even in a setting where women where in a small minority (15-20%).So I think it definitely deserves defending in face of statements implying that it doesn't work for anyone. I flirt with plenty of women, but don’t hit on them, as I’m in a monogamous relationship. Straight up and no messing around.
Close • Posted by 2 minutes ago. Any man would be THRILLED that a woman came on to him in a clear,aggressive, unquestionable fashion.No, not every man would be thrilled, and that's part of the problem you're describing.
So yes, flirting, like good manners, makes life a little gentler and more worth living.you sound very bitter and misogynistic, and totally unaware of the irony in everything you are saying.For me this is too much of a brain work. I have trust issues with women, so when one shows interest in me, my first thought is "what does she want? Move on .
He is simply making the point that trust may be a barrier to recognizing a flirt.But, you need to blather on defending flirting like it was some virtue that needed defending.Methinks, you are a Mr. Know-it-all / let-me-set-you-straight bore who always has to get the last word.So what, he believes that women are conniving, that's his issue?
You get laid. Not any more than there are such men, etc. Is there a morality to flirting? Do they show an initial interest back? I flirt back a little, to be honest. 39 COMMENTS. So, provably, that observation has more to do with YOU than with the women, as you are the common denominator.The only exception to this logic is if you happen to somehow attract and choose mostly conniving women, while other men don't, and I never have.The guy freely admitted that he has a problem trusting women.
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