The Highland Local School District is committed to the highest academic and behavioral expectations. View guidelines - Visit for more information! Our Principal; School Report Card; Pick Up/Drop Off; Staff Directory; Highland Elementary; Staff Directory; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

NEW-TO-HIGHLAND Rising Kindergarteners:  Online registration is open!

It has 18.1 students to every teacher. The principal of Highland Elementary School is Mr. Steve Johnson. Comments (-1) Update on 20-21 Reopening Plan. If you have a Car Rider Tag from the previous year and all student names are up-to-date, you DO NOT need to fill out this form.

Home of the Hounds! 489 students attend Highland Elementary School, and the ratio of students to teachers is … It enrolls 489 students in grades 1st through 12th.

For private schools this is the 2015-2016 school year.

Welcome. Successful schools are working to Studies show that diversity in school leads to long-term benefits for students.

The subject of the email is: IMPORTANT - Update Info about your HLE Student for 2020-2021. All communication will be received at the email address used to complete the initial online registration.
As a reminder, we are not able to take teacher requests, requests for a change in teacher, nor are we able to place students based on friendships.

We have a minimum enrollment requirement of 20 students per after school program. it's doing to help students who are behind. Ask the school whatDisadvantaged students at this school may be falling far behind other students in the state, and this school may have large achievement gaps.GreatSchools is the leading national nonprofit empowering parents to unlock educational opportunities for their children. It has 18.1 students to every teacher. Principal at School District U-46 Elgin, Illinois 298 connections.

September 11, 2015 My name is Kerry (Wright) Grisham I attended Highland from 1960-1964.

Your children will all be assigned the same car tag.On Friday, August 7th (after 6pm), Highland will send out connect ed messages to all parents in kindergarten and grades 1-5 letting you know who your child's teacher is! % of full time teachers who are certified Kindergarten:  During Staggered Entry on August 17 & 18 at your scheduled time  (See Remote Learning Plan above for more information about Staggered Entry for Kindergarten.

We are excited to offer programming at every elementary school location. There are a total of 430 … See link above.RETURNING STUDENTS that are rising 1st-5th Graders:  Please update enrollment information. Click on the logos above to learn more! Highland Elementary School is a public elementary school in Elgin.

A special note for all Returning Students:  If you have had a change in address or we have received returned mail from the address that is on file, updated proofs of residence will be required prior to school starting. Highland Car Rider Procedures & Tags. Highland Car Rider Procedures & Tags. Understand what Is this school offering opportunity for all its students, or leaving some kids behind? Once this information is entered, it will prompt you to enter your child's google username and password. 49% of the Highland Elementary School students are "limited in English proficiency."

Elementary School Supply Lists Released . Car Rider Tag Registration form 2020-2021. I am committed to providing the highest quality education for all students. It enrolls 489 students in grades 1st through 12th. School Reopening Framework STOH School Reopening Plan STOH School Reopening Information Frequently Asked …

Highland Elementary School is a public elementary school located in Elgin, IL in the School District U-46.

Highland Elementary School provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment .

Find Highland Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Kindergarten will receive connect ed emails and Grades 1-5 will receive phone messages and emails.

You can access several online resources through the Clever Portal above.

Test scores are important to look at because they indicate where students are performing compared to grade-level standards.

Highland Elementary School. Highland Elementary School is a school servicing grades KG to 6 and is located in the district of "SD U-46" in Elgin, IL. Highland Elementary School is the 763rd largest public school in Illinois and the 22,985th largest nationally.

Corona-Norco Unified School District Nondiscrimination Statement. As Highland Educators, we are committed to the school's 2020-21 goals: 1.

If you have any issues, please email Kelly Brooks directly at If you happen to check your child’s PowerSchool account throughout the summer, please note that any assigned teachers listed in PowerSchool may change before August 7th. If you have a Car Rider Tag from the previous year and all student names are up-to-date, you DO NOT need to fill out this form.If you have a Car Rider Tag from the previous year but you need to update student names, you DO need fo fill out this form. Highland encourages the use of Imagine (literacy or math) and Achieve 3000 (Grades 3-5).

Website Hosting Solution Powered by SchoolBlocks Review, … Superintendent Thomas Bongiovi and Highland High School (HHS) Principal William Zimmer are proud to announce that Ishani Bansal has been named the 2020 valedictorian, and Minh Tran has been named this year’s salutatorian. Highland Elementary School located in Elgin, Illinois - IL.

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