He wants to become a boss of his own business and does not want to take orders anymore.One day, Mert’s grandmother wants Mert to manage Olivia grocery store (organic food market) before he starts to become the CEO of the family business.
The leads had better chemistry in the teasers..but now I am now doubting that as I don't particularly like Joonki as what we have been shown so far has really turned me off..only positive thing about him was his interaction with his mother in this ep.. She knows he’s a good person, despite his worry that good people don’t make it in business.
Yeah, I don't get the heat about his acting because I am enjoying his acting here than before...he looks more comfortable here.Anyone else feel like this is a fluffier version of Empire of Gold? The romance between the two very different people explores the meaning of true love and delivers a message of hope. He realizes that he is sometimes seen just as a helper rather than a friend. would be more interesting if he finds her personal stance both obnoxious and intriguing at the same time. Jiyi and Changsoo are just too cute.
He just stomps off, exasperated.Not long after Ye-won tries and fails to get her father’s support against Kyung-joon and the potentially damning documents he has on the family company, her father visits his mistress. She's an interesting character and I hope we get more insight into her character as the show progresses. SSH acting was unbearable to me.Second leads syndrome here I come. Empire of gold was the ultimate chess game.May ship is sailing towards Ji yo and Chan soo. She wears expensive clothes (sans tags), calls upon her brother to avenge the slights she receives and extols the virtues of the plebian life she aspires to. For now she just wants him to pretend that he doesn’t know who she is—after all, he told her on their first failed date that he usually grants a woman’s request.“It depends on the woman,” Chang-soo says smoothly, taking a step toward her. !Although I read dramabeans every day, I rarely post. She wants small things in life, to be noticed and loved by those around her. I mean, yes!”) is hilarious because of his straightforward questions and her rushed and confused answers, since she’s already nervous enough as is.Based on her reaction when Joon-ki appears, Chang-soo asks if his friend knows her, and gets introduced to Ji-yi as an employee of the Yumin Department Store Food Market. She takes him outside for a more private conversation, and swiftly debunks his initial theory that she’s working for his company as a spy—the company would have to merit being spied on first.Chang-soo seems all too happy to show her the bloody lip her older brother gave him, though any attempt to pin it on her goes out the window when she says he has only himself to blame. I'm glued to the screen everytime they come on. and im interested in their dynamic as people not just as a couple. “You want to be my woman? He was a little green in Nine (remember him, guys? You will receive a link to create a new password via email.When Yoon-ha confronts Joon-ki by asking if he knows her, he flashes back to the times he saw her in the elevator.
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