Grandparents Helen Zille and Johann Maree spend precious moments with their first grandchild, Mila, who was born on April 1. Zille said Twitter had degenerated into a platform for irrationality and mob-lynching. "So I am opening a new, private account called @ZilleTweets. The DA's federal council chairperson said the red beret leader was guilty of 'cognitive dissonance'Helen Zille has accused EFF leader Julius Malema of hate speech after comments he made about targeting white men instead of black foreignersDA federal council chairperson Helen Zille seems determined to get rid of fake followers after discovering she has around 600,000 of them on Twitter.You know you’re doing something right when you’re labelled and insulted.Helen Zille leaves Twitter over 'grotesque treatment' of grandchild DA federal council chair Helen Zille has had enough of Twitter haters. "Everything that can be distorted and twisted for a hate-filled agenda is used for the purpose of manufacturing outrage and inflicting maximum damage," she said in the parting shot.Instead of democratising debate, Zille said, Twitter had severely curtailed freedom of speech and discussion.

"Several comments to that post were vitriolic, with one user saying Zille had turned the child into her "maid".Another Twitter user replied: "Scenario: ma'am Helen is sitting with a whip and ordering the poor girl, like how Helen's Caucasian grandfather did.

The Democratic Alliance federal council chair announced on Monday that she was closing her public account following the "grotesque treatment" of her granddaughter on the same platform on Sunday.Zille had posted a picture of her granddaughter holding a chicken and wrote: "Load-shedding won't stop [her] and me from cooking up a storm. "This means I may reject many who are interested in rational debate - but who, I do not know. She has served as the Federal Council Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance since 20 October 2019. But this evil platform that can find no effective way of filtering out fake accounts and dealing with hate speech (as constitutionally defined) offers no alternative," she said. DA federal council chair Helen Zille took to Twitter on Monday to say that she was leaving the platform.

Helen Zille has made it known that she will continue expressing her views on South African politics through her personal Twitter account and other avenues even after her retirement. Zille leaves Twitter over ‘grotesque treatment’ of grandchild By Ernest Mabuza - 18 February 2020 ENOUGH ALREADY: DA federal council chair Helen Zille has had enough of Twitter haters Helen Zille leaves Twitter over 'grotesque treatment' of grandchild By Ernest Mabuza - 17 February 2020 DA federal council chair Helen Zille has had enough of Twitter haters. Johannesburg – Instead of tweeting controversial remarks about colonialism, Western Cape Premier Helen Zille said she would instead tweet about her grandchild. "I am absolutely delighted that the birth went well, and that she is healthy.”The baby girl was born to her son, Paul Maree, and daughter-in-law Gretl.“She weighed 3.35kg and was born shortly after midnight on April 1.”Zille was happy that her grandchild was doing well.In choosing a name for the baby, Paul and Gretl chose to stick to family names, Zille said. "I say goodbye to some of my followers, and good riddance to the haters, bots and sock-puppets that constitute such a large percentage of my 1.4-million plus followers," she said.She then announced that she had opened a private Twitter account, known as @ZilleTweets, where only approved followers can see her tweets.

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