All Hawkesbury City Council residents with a domestic waste collection service provided by Council, can now book one Household CleanUp Service each financial year.

The clean-up is being delivered by Laing O’Rourke. The State and Federal government-led bushfire clean-up has begun in the Hawkesbury. Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday, March 5, and Hawkesbury Mayor Councillor Mary Lyons-Buckett encouraged residents to join a team or register a site for the day. Windsor -  While free, this is an opt-in program. Materials must be stacked neatly and not exceed the 1.5 m3 (1.5m x 1m x 1m or one trailer load) of waste and can be handled safely by two people.CleanUp materials are only to be placed on the kerb the night before the collection date. Bookings are essential. Also, please note that old cars are not considered as acceptable waste. Windsor -  We will employ an Economic Development Officer and introduce free WiFi, pop-up shops, artists, performers and musicians, maker-spaces, Christmas lights and seasonal events to improve business and increase tourism. Work is also progressing with the clean up of orchards in Bilpin, which is funded by the Department of Primary Industries. Call Councils contractor Cleanaway on 1300 889 527 to make your booking within 21 days of calling.

Since Thursday, 27 February their community engagement teams have been contacting registered property owners in these areas. Our target, set by the NSW State Government, was to achieve 66% resource recovery from landfill by 2014.Luckily, there are a number of services not only to help the community to achieve maximum resource recovery and extend the life of our landfill, but also to assist with waste disposal.Visit the links below to find out more information: You can request a double clean up (6 cubic metres) if you have more items for collection than a standard household clean up (3 cubic metres). Council Clean Up/Hard Rubbish Collection in the Hawkesbury City Council area This page details a range of materials that will be periodically collected by your Council. HAWKESBURY Council is calling for residents to join Clean Up Australia Day and help make our area beautiful. Council has received an enquiry for rebuilding a Youth Camp in Colo Heights and another to rebuild an orchard in Bilpin to help their businesses recommence operations following the bushfires. Branches of hedge trimmings will only be picked up if they are tied in bundles not exceeding 6’ long by 2’ in diameter. Council aims to achieve and exceed the State Governments standards for recycling and the reduction of solid waste. Tomorrow is “Clean up Australia” day around the country, and there are many ways you can pitch in and help keep our area looking spic and span.. Sunday 4th March 2018 is the main event, and a complete list of sites around the Hawkesbury where you can make a difference are here.. If materials are placed out earlier, you may incur an illegal dumping fine of up to $5000.Mattress collection is now also available at a cost for 2019/ 2020 of $51.70 (inclusive of GST) in urban areas and $61.60 (inclusive of GST) in rural areas.This service will be paid directly to the contractor by the customer via credit card at time of booking the service.For further information call council on (02) 4560 4444. Council, Hawkesbury, Our Focus The Greens have a plan to Renew Windsor. (concrete, bricks, windows and building materials),(not exceeding 1.5m in length and 10cm in diameter) Clean-up underway. A ‘double clean up’ is equal to 6 cubic metres.

The waste and recycling resource pages provide information for all Hawkesbury residents about recycling collection services, household clean up collections, tips on how to reduce the amount of waste produced by us every day and more.

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