By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Another ability, titled "Devotion", enhances the skills of a card that has that keyword. As always after each expansion I come in and make my honest review of what is going on with the new gwent cards faction by faction. Watch the trailer for Master Mirror The latest expansion for GWENT revolves around Gaunter O’Dimm, a mysterious and powerful character best known from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Hearts of Stone expansion. Load more. That's not all, though — more than 70 new cards have arrived in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game! The Witcher 3 inspired multiplayer card game Gwent just received its highly anticipated Master Mirror expansion. Bleeding) or prevents them from gaining beneficial ones (eg. The next expansion, Master Mirror, is available now. From the Empire of Nilfgaard, to the Northern Realms, to the isles of Skellige and beyond, his influence knows no bounds. Login now. CD Projekt RED has revealed Master Mirror, the fifth expansion for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game.The popular free-to-play game is expanding … 2020-07-01 - Card DB Master Mirror Premium Cards added 2020-06-30 - Card DB updated (Master Mirror Expansion) 2020-06-19 - Lazy loading card images (Card DB) 2020-05-05 - Card DB updated (Balance) 2020-04-02 - Card He is Master Mirror, and it is he who decides how the story plays out.Invite elite warriors and weapons into your faction’s ranks, including 11 neutral cards available to all sides, and take advantage of all the new plays and tricks they bring to get ahead on the battlefield!Some figures prefer to always remain hidden while playing the role of shadow in the most crucial events in history. Check out We hope you are as excited as we are and join us on this next adventure! 40 premium Master Mirror kegs Gaunter O'Dimm premium legendary card Give in to the temptation and treat yourself with a sizeable supply of premium cards from the new expansion. He is Master Mirror, and it is he who decides how the story plays out. 15 Aug. Qualifier #1 August 15th, 2020. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. As always after each expansion I come in and make my honest review of what is going on with the new gwent cards faction by faction. He’s always been there, quietly pulling at fate’s strings, his evil touch creeping its way into key events in the Continent’s history. 0:39.
Gwent fans and card game players rejoice! By performing special tasks, available only during the event, players support their favorite factions and fight for unique titles and other prizes. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. These packs will grant you access to new cards from the expansion upon its release, with a unique Gaunter O’Dimm leader skin, as well as a Master Mirror-inspired cardback and title also available in specific packs — ready to equip in-game immediately following purchase. Demon. In anticipation of the upcoming release, a number of Master Mirror pre-order offers have been added to the Gwent in-game store. A whole new layer of strategic possibilities awaits, but be wary — this power, it’s not yours alone to wield.Usurper rises through the ranks to become Emperor of NilfgaardJacques de Aldersberg leads the Order of Flaming RoseHarald the Cripple wages war over control of the Skellige IsleAuberon Muircetach's leads the Aen Elle to their new homeViraxas takes his rightful place on Kerack's throneEithne watches over the Dryad's of Brokilon as conflict escalates with the D'hoineWebsite operated by GOG Sp. 11 neutral cards are also included, which can be used across all GWENT factions. In addition, new statuses and abilities will also be introduced, bringing with them a fresh set of tricks and strategies to take advantage of in the heat of combat.In anticipation of the upcoming release, we added a number of Master Mirror pre-order offers to the GWENT in-game store.
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