Green Ice Movie 1981 Part 1 - Duration: 5:01. danielby87 Recommended for you. Anthony Simmons (screenplay), Gerald A. Browne (based on the book by) This movie utilizes a "green" motif evoking the color of emeralds throughout the movie where shades of the color green are seen in the cinematography and art direction, whether it be in costumes, sets, props, visuals, or lighting. The same type of visual aesthetic was used for Green Card (1990). Check out our editors' picks for a breakdown of the movies and shows we're excited about this month, including "

A down on his luck engineer gets involved in an adventure with a mysterious woman and an emerald magnate. To say that it is a belated addition to its genre is an understatement.


Green Ice (El gran robo de las esmeraldas) Las Hadas Manzanillo (1987) - Duration: 1:14. Green Ice is a caper movie that was made long after the caper movie was in fashion.

9 February 2006 | greene515

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It has an attractive trio of leadings actors in Ryan O'Neal, Anne Archer and Omar Sharif, but they don't seem overly impressed with the material and turn in workmanlike performances at best.

Ray Hassett (screenplay),

Gregorio González Nava Recommended for you

It's sung by Maria Muldaur. "Floating" (Cloudhopper Theme) is one of the scores (composed by Bill Wyman) from the 1981 movie Green Ice.

For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Edward Anhalt (screenplay),
Robert De Laurentiis (screenplay), In the Early Eighties ,There was 'Green Ice' which is a surprisingly enjoyable caper that's packed with action - Adventure,and romance, (Ryan O'Neal, plays Joe Wiley a recently divorced Electronics expert, who leaves New York, for the exotic plains of south America, where he meets the beautiful society heiress, Lillain Holbrook,(Ann Archer,

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