Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Gilding sentence examples. It was a pretty sight to see her veiled form gliding towards the sturdy young Englishman. Examples of hang-gliding in a sentence, how to use it.
52. The wing to act efficiently must be driven at a certain speed, and in such a manner that the down and up strokes shall Birds came at his call, and forgot their hereditary fear of man; beasts lipped and caressed him; the very fish in lake and stream would But in those forms where curving must take place in different directions the layers or fibres of metal are made to "How quiet, peaceful, and solemn; not at all as I ran," thought Prince Andrew--"not as we ran, shouting and fighting, not at all as the gunner and the Frenchman with frightened and angry faces struggled for the mop: how differently do those clouds Cuscuses and phalangers form a numerous group, all the members of which are arboreal, and some of which are provided with lateral expansions of skin enabling them to This is necessary in order that the down and up strokes may Indeed, despite the fact that they present much diversity of habit - some being arboreal, as the squirrels, many of which are provided with expansions of skin or parachutes on which they There are many rapids, caused by reefs of rock running across the bed, or by a sudden fall of from one to several feet, which produce very rough water below the swift Again, it can be a really special experience, hovering beneath the surface and watching your child serenely We reached the summit of Meal Buidhe at about 9pm after having watched two golden eagles gracefully The SAI pulses associated with the higher harmonics are relatively narrow with respect to the changes in period during the pitch You can also apply a thin line of a similar shade of eye shadow along your lash lines, and then This will keep your skin drier and help the fabric to Natori carries nightwear for women in plain colors, and the simple jersey material in some styles will Sweeney has signed on to be a spokesperson for Crest Tenpou was walking across the room toward him in a quick smooth To snow plow, point the tips of your skis toward each other and begin to slowly Lubricate: Although a quick shave can be done with just warm water and softened skin, using a shaving foam or lubricant will ensure better results and a slicker No matter your moisturizer of choice, make sure you apply a liberal amount and rinse the blade thoroughly after each Once skin has been moistened, many people apply a shaving cream or foam to the surface to help lubricate and encourage an even At that time, 30 paper planes will release from the International Space Station and will casually If you would still like a little extra smoothing, sweater dresses However, if you want to see a particular group perform or float Your clubs will be cosseted by two inches of heavy foam padding and whisked along by the convenience of EZ One edge of the planchette lifted onto her finger, slid to the top of her hand and started to The creature also had large wings on which it would These tips should help you turn that dieting plateau into a smooth downhill In order to slow dance, your weight needs to stay fairly evenly distributed between your feet, in order to give a smooth The hairs also allowed these snow transport devices to Two-time Olympic Gold Medal-winning speedskater Apolo Anton Ohno will Swan Lake Pedal Boats are great for the family because you'll just Designed originally in the 1930s, the carousel horses are the only ones in the U.S. that "fly" rather than While the coaster's structure was metal, the loop was steel and designed in such a way that the coaster's trains could Perhaps someone out there fondly remembers Mappy, but I Roadmaster Chassis - All Monacom campers are constructed with the company's Roadmaster chassis, which features exclusive Cushion Air The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.
Spirochetes and organisms that show Total 126, 30 Per page
| The hobby, sport, or act of flying a glider. Use "gliding" in a sentence. 4. 0. How to use glide in a sentence. At length, while the boat was gliding through a vast hall, he fell asleep. 0. 4. _undertoad 681230 Leonardo da Vinci invented a human-powered glider. 2. 3.
Suddenly we were gliding over the. 2.
3. 100 examples: Additionally, there are special arrangements for non-radio aircraft based…
They do not represent the opinions of Examples of glider in a sentence, how to use it.
present participle of glide | The action or motion of something that glides. 6. Examples of gliding in a sentence: 1.
Fish were gliding about 10 Geckos have similar membranes but increase their 15 Hundreds of landings on one particular airfield or 17 I gave up trying not to smile as we danced.
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