My dog’s ghost used to do the same thing back were I used yo live after she passed away.I recently saw the full shadow shaped like a normal sized short haired cat. Last night she meowed around 2:30 a.m. Usually my mom is the expert to find but that day only me. Like I said, in all the 17-18 years I’ve experienced sleep paralysis, while absolutely terrifying, I’ve never seen anything.
A kind of sixth sense. When i first moved in the prevece .. tennt was looking for her cat .. Isaid i would keep an eye out . The next morning, i check everywhere and I don’t see anything.We lost our beautiful ginger boy, Henry age 20, a month ago.
So now I call it “resonating”, because that’s what it feels like, like you’re vibrating at a high frequency. I’ve never known a ghost cat to be harmful.This happened day before yesterday.
Sometimes I could see ‘Rain’s’ fur patterns, though was a semi-solid.The moral of the story is that yes indeed, cats do hang around after they pass!!
I then heard a purring to my left side. I owned no cats.
I scanned the room but didn’t see a cat staring at me or a white fur coat sitting besides my bed. we have tried contacting a paranormal team thats local to where we live to no avail. !I currently work at a haunted hotel but that’s another story and even though I have seem numerous human spirits and shadow people at my workplace I had never seen anything anywhere else outside the hotel. Seeing it face to face like that, so close up was a little unnerving, but I am used to seeing the spirits at the hotel, so it was just another paranormal experience to add my experiences.Our cat Cutie who is 14years old was treated for hyperthyroidism and then cancer for the past few months. The smell was far too intense and fresh, she explained, and focused on one specific area — the two middle shelves, where it was unlikely either of the living cats would reach. This changes our view of life and the world forever. This morning I looked at my clock and decided to have another 10 minutes before getting up when I heard him meow twice.
But then, he’d hear that same loud meowing, even with both cats right there with him on the couch.
there are at least two dead cats buried at my house. It appeared to hit the door at about 5’8”. I don’t think of it as violent at all and hope it is just a little sign from Runt that he’s with me still.
I’m Just laying halfway sitting up waiting for whatever it was to jump on bed and watching my cat at the same time. He gave the room a quick passing glance, and He didn’t think that was anything unusual at first – they did own cats, after all – but stopped when he realized that they were all downstairs with his girlfriend, or “locked in the conservatory.” He turned around and looked back into the room, and there it was, completely empty. That day around 10.00 PM I was having a very strong bad smell like I thought my cat has pooped but he has not. She gave this call when searching for anyone to know if she was alone.
There was a short delay in that process but when it was all finalized ans sorted the following night i felt the bedroom air go cold and something rub up my leg as i lay on the bed. I cooed at her and continued into the kitchen only o see Squeak lying by the back door. As I sat in the dimly lit family room that evening, movement caught my eyes from underneath the dining room table. Who would want to mess with something that they cannot see. Every now and again, I will catch glimpses out of the side of my eye of a cat walking, or darting in or out of a room. I thought kenny might be calling by to say a last goodbye and thankyou for sorting out his body.
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