German language materials on Digital Dialects do not require any form of registration or provision of personal details and are completely free for anyone to use. Über 12.000 Online-Spiele kostenlos spielenSpielAffe verwendet Cookies, um die Website fortlaufend verbessern zu könnenFür Links auf dieser Seite erhält Spielaffe ggf. Digital Dialects German games are visual, user-friendly, fun and easy to use, and provide a simple linguistic pedagogy or language learning method suitable for schools and other kids' educational environments. This German game helps you to count up to 100 using multiples of ten, starting from the number zero. 72%.

If the student is new to these numbers or prefers slower more relaxed exercises then they might wish to begin with the Quite soon you will need to learn to make purchases in the German language, to give dates for appointments and to tell the time. This German game comes with the option of either reading the sentences and matching the phrases with the German phrases game-text, or listening to the German sentences spoken. Bei den Online-Spielen gibt es auch Werbung. Du kannst alle Online-Spiele kostenlos spielen, und zwar so lange du magst. Aus dem Grund können wir sie dir gratis anbieten. Essential words for buying snacks or for visiting a greengrocer in German-speaking countries.Some of the most useful food vocabulary with audio and the definite article included in a simple and colorful German game designed for kids or school students. Builds on the vocabulary learned in the previous game. Beliebte Deutsch Spiele. Herzlich Willkommen auf SpielAffe, der meist besuchten Online-Spiele Seite Deutschlands. Für jeden Gamer ist was dabei: Beliebte Browser Games und viele neue Online-Spiele, klassische Handy Spiele und weitere Top Mobile Games sowie Jackpot Spiele, Simulations- oder Strategiespiele und mehr. (123.863 x bewertet) Topspiel. This German game builds upon the vocabulary learned in the numbers in German game 1-12and includes the numbers up to twelve, which the player should be competent in.

Also, Lieblingsspiel auswählen, sofort spielen – und richtig Spaß haben! Learn some of the most common German words that ever beginner to the language will need to master. The numbers in German games and food vocabulary games will help you to begin to express basic needs and wants with shop keepers, and staff at train and bus stations. Candy Riddles. German game and word list includes spoken German audio provided by a native speaker with a typical North German accent. Play either the German Essential numbers in German from one to twelve. 73%. Choose either the German This German word builder game provides another 48 everyday German words that serious students will need to learn. Fun timed beat-the-clock German game with three speed options for different learning levels.

The place to begin to count using the German numbers with a fun learning game and wordlist.

With an indication of the gender of the nouns and voice recordings for learning correct German pronunciation. Basic communication with the most common greetings, and phrases for ordering food, reserving a hotel and asking directions. Kostenlose Spiele gibt es insgesamt schon 13181, für Abwechslung ist also reichlich gesorgt. Jewels Blitz 4. aus der Welt der Computerspiele im Spiele Portal von t-online erleben. Gefängnis Escape. Arithmetic style German learning games in which you add the words for numbers together to choose the correct answer. Choose either the Learn the vocabulary for animals and then play the German game with 17 questions. Each color is repeated several times in this game to ensure the memorization of the vocabulary. Great resource for memorizing and drilling new German vocabulary.

für solche mit JETZT SPIELEN. The student can play either the words only Another German phrases game for those who have successfully completed the first phrases and greetings game. Kid-friendly interactive language acquisition exercise suitable for all ages and learning styles. Play either the German Learn the vocabulary for animals, birds and insects and then play the German exercise with 17 further questions. All of the animal words you might encounter in fairytales, children's writings and in friends' living rooms. A total of 177 new German words for progressing with the language.

For those who are new to these German words, the German language game that offers 48 additional useful and common German words with native German voice recordings. Like the other numbers in German learning games featured on this games index, you will have to add or subtract numbers to give the correct answer to the German numbers sum. Exercises in this German games section are of most value to beginner level students or visitors to German-speaking countries with little or no knowledge of the language. Word list and German game also gives an indication of the gender of the nouns. Those with some prior German study may like to try the Common and helpful phrases for beginner students. There are two playing options for this German phrases game: as a Eleven of the most common colors adjectives in the German language.

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