Between 2005 and 2017, Italy’s score increased by 13.8 points....Violence against women is rooted in women’s unequal status in society, and that status reflects the unbalanced distribution of social, political, and economic power among women and men in society....This publication summarises the main results of the Gender Equality Index 2015 for Italy....Get the latest EIGE's updates on a personalised basis. Indeed, according to the ‘The Global Gender Gap 2017 Report‘ published by the World Economic Forum, Italy is only 82nd in the global index measuring the gender gap in broader terms.
Linee Guida Nazionali (art.1comma16L.107/2015) Zanier, M.L. Gender equality mechanisms are particularly vulnerable to government changes, affecting the continuity and consistency of equality policy.
Gender equality: main issues and recent developments Compared to the other EU member states, Germany’s performance in achieving gender equality is mediocre. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 INTRODUCTION 7 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 8. See all past newsletters 196/2009, all public bodies should include a gender budget document in their yearly performance review. Under Law No.
Did Renzi manage to keep his promise? Since 2014, the position of Minister for Equal Opportunities in the Cabinet has been held by a state secretary, with simultaneous responsibility for the Presidency of the Council of Ministry, Equal Opportunities and Youth [13].Italy’s main government gender equality body is the Department for Equal Opportunities (DEO) of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers (since 1996), which has supported the Office of the Minister for Equal Opportunities since 1997. According to the European Gender Equality Index, Italy has the lowest level of gender equality in the EU. It also introduced the principle of gender mainstreaming, obliging the government to take the gender perspective into account. UNAR’s activities and report do not mention specific gender equality legislation or mechanisms, implying a division of competence with the DEO and a lack of explicit procedures of institutional coordination.In 2015, the Parliamentary Intergroup for Women’s Rights was created, chaired by the President of the Chamber and comprising 96 Members of Parliament from every parliamentary group sitting in the Chamber. Facing the Gender Gap in Aging: Italian Women’s Pension in the European Context. The Workplace Gender Equality Act was passed in 2012. Openpolis, a political watchdog in Italy, published a “MiniDossier” that uses data journalism to analyze gender equality in Italy.
"He then listed a number of female politicians who introduced key reforms, such as protections for working mothers (1950) and making it illegal to fire women just because they got married (1963).Italy's national health service became a reality in 1978 thanks to the country's first female government minister, Tina Anselmi, who pulled bickering political parties together to make this happen, said Mattarella. In addition to their national allocations, regions, metropolitan cities and municipalities can integrate their budget reports with other financial resources, for example private and European funds [22].Note: the methods and tools listed under this section were the focus of EIGE’s 2018-2019 assessment. European Institute for Gender Equality (2015). [13] In the provisional budget 2019–20, the budget entry for actions, programmes and missions, ‘Equal Opportunities’, has been renamed ‘Family, Equal Opportunities and Social Unrest’.
However, the guidelines have proved a valuable tool for local administrations responsible for ESF programming activities and have been adopted by local decision-makers for strategy planning purposes and for drafting the relevant programming documents.
These statistics include factors such as economic participation and opportunity (where Italy ranks 118th), educational attainment (60th), health and survival (123th) and political empowerment (46th). Gender equality in Italy still incomplete: Italian president 195–212.Amici, M. and Stefani, M.L.
The process of gender mainstreaming has been applied to all stages of statistical activities, with integrating a gender perspective throughout the statistical system seen as the responsibility of every member of staff and part of ISTAT’s commitment to data quality and relevance.In the last decade, collaboration between ISTAT and the DEO has led to grants to support several surveys, notably the survey on sexual harassment against women 2007–2009, the survey on maternity and female participation in the labour market, and the 2006 and 2015 surveys on women’s safety.
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