Click here for a first-hand account of the Friendship Train Pearson traveled on the train going to Rome. Illinois - The Lincoln Friendship Train. The enthusiasm was so high that he ordered the engineer to stop at every station where there were people, regardless of whether the stop had been planned.

In fact, the enormity of the donations plus the mountainous terrain in the West caused the train to divide, and at its end, there were three trains totally 270 boxcars. Indiana.

Where did it come from? Why did it exist?Had it not been for the Friendship Train, the more well-known The columnist loathed the thought of Communism in Europe. Described at the time as a "token gift", the aid was symbolic of the Marshall Plan effort.The phrase has been used more recently for other purposes, such as the 1967 "Friendship Train" from the

(It should be noted that the Friendship Train had absolutely no connection with the Marshall Plan.

Pearson also granted a marathon of interviews, speaking with the Italian press for three hours. In 1947, Friendship Train crossed U.S. gathering food for hungry Europe The Friendship Train crosses the Hudson River. The result was the Friendship Train. Local ceremonies celebrated the train wherever it stopped.In Paris about 50 trucks laden with the foodstuffs drove down the Champs Elysees past the Arc de Triomphe--the first occasion in peacetime when trucks were permitted on this famous thoroughfare--then down Rue de Rivoli to City Hall. The Mayor of Paris Pierre De Gaulle, brother of the General, greeted Pearson and his committee. Connecticut. Although the train traveled through only eleven states, every state contributed by sending its boxcars or trains to meet the Friendship Train … This order required the train to stop almost every 15 minutes, and even though these towns had not yet received any food, the people were really happy to see Pearson and the committee.

The train was loaded with … De là, un bateau achemine les 16 000 tonnes de denrées, vêtements et médicaments jusqu’au Havre. A Mormon church in Kaysville, UT raised a carload of special wheat for Greece. Although the train traveled through only eleven states, every state contributed by sending its boxcars or trains to meet the Friendship Train at a junction or by sending trucks to the train.Many communities not on the original route insisted on giving, thereby causing delays all along the journey.

Louisiana. …

Announcing his idea of sending food across the Atlantic in his broadcasts and columns on October 11, 1947, Pearson asked Americans to donate food from their homes, kitchens, gardens, and fields. Copyright � 2008 - 2017 Dorothy R. Scheele.

It is never mentioned to elementary school children and never referred to in advanced history books, neither secondary nor collegial.What is the Friendship Train?

Some of the other participating organizations were the American Baptist Relief, the American Friends Service Committee, Brethren World Service, and the Congregational Service Committee.In both Italy and France the distribution trains were called Friendship Trains. Florida.

He believed that the United States could surpass the Communists in sending food to the desperate, hungry Europeans.

The idea of the train was proposed by Washington journalist The United States Lines' American Leader was rechristened the Friend Ship prior to carrying the first shipload of the train's cargo to Originally hoped to collect 80 train car loads of food, the train ultimately collected over 700 cars ($40 million value) of food, clothing, and fuel, paid in part by monetary donations. In Gorizia 10,000 greeted the train. This short film documents the Friendship Train's voyage from Hollywood across the country to New York City, as well as the initial delivery of food in France and Italy. American good-will envoys traveled through Germany and Austria when food was delivered. Printed at 8 x 10 from a recent negative find, this shot seems to be taken from aboard the flatcar for speeches that traveled with the train (note the speaker at the upper left corner). Pearson stated that the President spoke eloquently in appreciation of the Friendship Train. French trains stopped in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Brest and Lorient.


All Rights Reserved Delaware. At Udine the crowd was so large that Pearson had to go to the town square to speak.Those known to date are Greece, Germany, Norway, and Austria -- each received a small amount of the foodstuffs. All photos on this page courtesy of Bruce Kellogg After World War II came to a close, the country of France began the task of rebuilding a nation ravaged by war. Beginning in Los Angeles, where there was a terrific send-off, and ending in New York City with another extraordinary celebration. Articles on the 1947 Friendship Food Train in the following states: California. They received another honorable reception when President Auriol greeted them and invited them to lunch.

Beginning in Los Angeles, where there was a terrific send-off, and ending in New York City with another extraordinary celebration.

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