CBS Remembers Gay-Rights Pioneer Frank Kameny - Duration: 2:03. Home of gay rights activist Dr. Franklin E. Kameny Kameny’s efforts in the civil rights movement, modeled in part on African-American civil rights strategies and tactics, significantly altered the rights, perceptions, and role of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people in American society.Franklin Kameny (1925-2011) was a Harvard trained astronomer and World War II veteran. In 1998, President Clinton signed an Executive Order banning discrimination in federal employment based upon sexual orientation.For years, Dr. Kameny’s residence at 5020 Cathedral Avenue, NW, in Washington, DC, served as a meeting place, archives, informal counseling center, headquarters of the Mattachine Society, and a safe haven for visiting gay and lesbian activists. Keith Strickland on … It's rare that a non-fiction book as richly detailed as 'The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. The Obama White House Recommended for you. Franklin Edward "Frank" Kameny (May 21, 1925 – October 11, 2011 ) was "one of the most significant figures" in the American gay rights movement. Queens. Frank Kameny, a US Army astronomer fired in 1957 because of his sexuality, is remembered for suing the US government, the first known civil rights lawsuit based on sexual orientation. On November 2, 2011, the National Park Service recognized the historic significance of gay rights activist Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, by listing his home in the National Register of Historic Places. It was here that Dr. Franklin E. Kameny developed the civil rights strategies and tactics that have come to define the modern gay rights movement. Any time. Cultural & Historical. Historic Landmark, because, "for 13 fiery years, it was the epicenter of the gay rights movement in the nation's capital." It is significant for its association with gay rights activist Franklin E. Kameny (1925–2011), having served as his home and office, and as a headquarters for gay civil rights organizing. Mark Levine Talk 2,771 views. He was a landmark figure in articulating and achieving gay civil rights in federal employment and security clearance cases, and in reversing the medical community’s view on homosexuality as a mental disorder. He was also involved in the first legal challenge to the U.S. military’s policy of discharging gay and lesbian service members, including the much-publicized case of gay Air Force Sergeant Leonard Matlovich. On November 2, 2011, the National Park Service recognized the historic significance of gay rights activist Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, by listing his home in the National Register of Historic Places. Kameny, who is said to have "spear-headed the new militancy in the gay rights movement,"served as a meeting place, archives, informal counseling center, headquarters of the Mattachine Society, and a safe haven for visiting gay and lesbian activists. Based upon an Executive Order issued by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, thousands of men and women lost their federal civil service jobs solely due to their sexual orientation, based upon a belief that homosexuality posed a security risk. In 1957, Dr. Kameny was fired from his job with the Army Map Service for refusing to answer questions about his sexual orientation. Through lobbying of government officials, testifying before congressional committees, bringing court challenges, and picketing the White House, Kameny and his allies pressured the U.S. Civil Service Commission to eventually abandon its policy of denying homosexuals federal employment. wishlist. Frank Kameny’s Orderly, Square Gay-Rights Activism. Franklin Kameny and Barbara Gittings confer in Dr. Kameny's office at 5020 Cathedral Ave., NW in preparation for appearing as councils at a Pentagon Security clearance hearing. Dr. Kameny waged a four-year legal fight against the idea that sexual orientation could make one unfit for federal service. In 1973, the APA voted to remove homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders. Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear his case, it was the first time that an equal-rights claim had been made on the basis of sexual orientation.In 1961 Kameny co-founded the Mattachine Society of Washington, an organization committed, through activism to achieving equal social and legal rights for homosexuals. It was here that Dr. Franklin E. Kameny developed the civil rights strategies and tactics that have come to define the modern gay rights movement.In 2009, the building was designated as a D.C. The Dr. Franklin E. Kameny Residence in Washington, DC, listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Recommended for: Culture. 2:03.
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