No injuries have been reported.While units were operating at the scene, the EMS Duty Crew from Wantagh handled two additional medical emergencies while the Seaford Fire Department handled a third.

At approximately 5:45 pm on Sunday July 5, 2020 the Wantagh FD responded to a report of a car fire on the Ocean Parkway in the vicinity of Tobay Beach. In addition, due to the heat and sun, when working or spending time outdoors, it is advisable to take frequent breaks, seek shade when possible and remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Kevin Regan, PIO to start its way up the East Coast late this evening and tomorrow. And for students and staff, green means go. • Do not drive unless absolutely necessary to do so.

Fortunately, there were no serious incidents. WANTAGH, NY — A fire broke out at a Wantagh home Thursday morning.Officers arrived at the blaze around 10:30 a.m. Thursday on Manchester Road, Nassau County police said.

In addition, heavy rains are forecast for Tuesday afternoon through early Wednesday morning with the potential of 2-4 inches expected. As such, boaters and swimmers should exercise extreme caution. Get directions, reviews and information for Wantagh Fire Department in Wantagh, NY.

​Localized street flooding and downed wires are expected as a result of the storm. SEAFORD, NY — Firefighters are responding to a house fire in Seaford, according to reports. • If you’re in a car and a wire falls across the car STAY IN THE CAR and AVOID TOUCHING ANY METAL SURFACES. For further information in the event of a power failure go to: In addition, residents should use caution while driving on area roadways, especially at night, while there are widespread power outages due to hazards which may be present such as trees or wires across the road. This means that Tropical Storm winds from 35-40 MPH and gusts in excess of 60 MPH expected in the next 24-48 hours. WANTAGH, NY — The Wantagh Union Free School District has released its plan to reopen schools this fall amid the coronavirus pandemic. Many Departments in the County are now using 460.3500 PL 136.5 (Nassau County Mutual Aid Tac-1) as their new Fireground Frequency. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Fire Departments in Wantagh, NY. Find 6 photos of the 2839 Bayview Ave home on Zillow.

Patch is a space for neighborhood news. In all, between 10 and 13 acres burnedThe cause of the fire is still being investigated. No one was hurt. MLS # 3206155 Around 1,000 people rallied in support of law enforcement officers in Wantagh Sunday. Reviews (516) 785-0870 Website. Flames spread to parts of the home as well, with Patch is a space for neighborhood news. In addition, when using a portable generator, please ensure that it is in a well-ventilated area AWAY from the house. Please keep your replies clean, friendly and factual.To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit'No Timetable' For Unemployment Aid; More Football Canceled As we all recover from the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isiais, we waThe National Weather Service has issued a Tropical Storm Watch for tHurricane Isaias is currently affecting the Bahamas and is predictednted to assure you that the Wantagh FD remains fully operational as we have been throughout the storm. Kevin Regan, PIOhe area. ​As repair crews from utility companies work to restore power to our area and remove trees and tree limbs which are blocking roadways, we would like to remind everyone to stay away from any downed wires and that all wires should be considered live. Wantagh Fire Department 2045 Wantagh Ave Wantagh NY 11793. 2839 Bayview Ave , Wantagh, NY 11793-4300 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $729,000. Before the storm: Nassau County Fireplaces & Barbecues Knowledgeable Staff & Top Name Brand Products. ALWAYS assume that they are live. ​ Residents should prepare by ensuring that they have an adequate supply of food, water and prescription medication in the event of a prolonged power failure. Get directions, reviews and information for Wantagh Fire Department in Wantagh, NY. I think the fire is going out of Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza. In a fire or emergency call the Wantagh FD at 785-0215 or call 911. The average homeowner in the Wantagh Fire District will pay less than $1 per day for fire and EMS protection.

Many times, vehicles become stuck or submerged when drivers try to drive through water of an unknown depth. Patch is a space for neighborhood news.

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