You'll need one When you have all the ingredients you need, use alchemy and prepare the bait.Once you have the lure, equip it, go to the four places marked on the map around the cave and pour it there.If you haven't talked to the hunter yet, first check the notice board in the village and then go to the hunter to collect the reward. Find a way into the cave. Game The Witcher … Geralt quickly determined, however, that this monster was not the true threat to the local populace - not compared to what had killed it. The content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of While muddling around the well-shaded village of Blackbough, Geralt happened across a notice. Use the fang to lift Morkvarg’s curse or find another way to lift it. 4/4 Wait in the cave for the chort to catch the scent. 3. If you don't have the ingredients to prepare it, you will find them near the cave. Sadly I found this the hard way (sorry for my bad English)Hah…I had no clue that even if I had accepted Magrit’s bribe there would still be an option to keep on search…too bad missed out on 55 i spared margret but then a glitch activated where it replayed the cutscene (all while the werewolf was both lying on the ground as normal for the cutscene and standing up ready to fight round two – ie there were two werewolves).

Such articles are published under the Gosu Noob author and that means the thing you are reading was created by the whole crew. Geralt had no other choice but to lure this powerful monster to him and attempt to slay it.You may also be interested in something from the list below. If it is daytime, meditate until the night falls (around 8 PM).When you finish meditating, some wolves will appear from the outside, accompanied by the werewolf itself. That's right, something had beaten him to his initial task and slain the fiend, and he suspected this something was a chort attacking in an act of territorial warfare. Go into the woods northwest of Blackbough. Geralt can’t tribe trees (yet) so you have to find another way to track the beast.Once you’re in the cave, follow the tunnel until you enter a large cavern. Margrit chose her actions and knew the results and disregarded her sister’s love for Neillen. Geralt had no other choice but to lure this powerful monster to him and attempt to slay it.I need to prepare the bait now. Find the werewolf's lair using your Witcher Senses Keep searching until you find the trail of blood and paw marks on the ground. Concentrate on the werewolf and bring his health level to almost zero, at which point Margrit will interrupt you once again.Fight with the werewolf continues and you have to kill him. Acquire fiend dung to use as bait. Head in to the building area that is almost like an arena and fight him for the first time, don't worry when the screen goes black when you beat him this is just their way of making him vanish to his lair which you need to find using your witcher senses. Suck a f’ing Wicked SOB.

Follow them across a stone bridge and the river to the east; you’ll reach a ruined settlement where its lair … Geralt can’t tribe trees (yet) so you have to find another way to track the beast.

You get 50XP for this and Margrit lives.Stay your blade and let Niellen kill Margrit. Achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Complete the contract on Morvudd - worth 15 Gamerscore. Finish him off for 25 Odhen will naturally be upset at learning his son is dead, but will reward you all the same with 300 Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.The Witcher 3 Morvudd the Fiend Boss Fight (Hard Mode)Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Contract: Missing Son Be ye Skelliger or Continent man, read attentively and to the very end. as it turns out it just acted as if the kill margret option was chosen, the second werewolf was nowhere to be seen.Shouldn’t there be an option to confront Margrit back at the village after choosing to prevent the werewolf from killing her!? Use your Witcher sense to find their lair – you’ll come across a short trail and claw marks on a tree. On the other side of the river, you'll find its further footprints. My son, Olve, he went off to seek adventure and never returned. In the village of Lindenvale Geralt came across a highly unusual contract. The contract is over.Sometimes articles on our website are a team effort. Just brutal.I found that if you agree and accept Hanna sister offer and find the werewolf cave, the objective to tell Niellen about his wife fate will be marked as red. Make sure to grab the 4 loot parcels at the back corner for some nice diagrams etc then head off using your senses to see which way he ran.

If you wish to make it as short as possible, go immediately to the blacksmith. Unlock the chapter house doors. Then examine two different sets of tracks and a splash of blood. Pour the bait around the hill. The body of a dog is near it, examine it to discover that it has long cuts across the skin. So I'm asking all travelers to keep their eyes out for him - and if you bring him back or find out what's happened to him, I'll pay a generous reward and keep you in my prayers to Freya. Search the forest using your Witcher Senses.

You will receive 55 crowns from Margrit and and additional 10 crowns from Niellen.You will get 55 gold from Margrit and will have the chance to complete the quest.Margrit will scold you and walk away, leaving you free to continue your search.Southwest of the center of the objective area, you will come across Hana’s rotting corpse, torn to pieces. Get rid of the werewolf in the garden.

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