Feminist Currents/Reflections . It is an honor to introduce a new partnership in the Frontiers Editorial Collective, Professor Darius Bost.Guest Editors: Wanda Alarcón, Dalida María Benfield, Annie Isabel Fukushima, Marcelle Maese Frontiers is currently inviting submissions in all areas of women’s, feminist, and gender studies.In particular, we seek to publish work that continues the tradition of examining relationships among place/space, region, and topics of longstanding concern to feminist scholars that are complexly intersectional, interdisciplinary, and deeply theoretical. Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies is delighted to continue our interactive column, “Feminist Currents.” Eileen Boris, Hull Professor and chair of the Feminist Studies Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, created this column. Multicultural and interdisciplinary, Frontiers presents a broad mix of scholarly work, personal essays, and the arts offered in accessible language. The new University of Utah and University of California Santa Cruz editorial team for Frontiers is committed to embracing emerging visions of dynamic and unsettled “feminist frontiers.” As the journal’s new guiding voice, we seek to advance feminist investigations and expressions into the 21st century. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies turns 41! College of Arts and Sciences. Journal of Gender Studies: Vol. Since the very beginning of that uprising, the status of gender politics and its relationship to the revolutionary project has been a site of debate and contestation both among revolutionary actors and outside commentators. Feminist Theory is genuinely interdisciplinary and reflects the diversity of feminism, incorporating perspectives from across the broad spectrum of the humanities and social sciences and the full range of feminist political and theoretical stances. Front Page. Please respond to the following question by December 15, 2016. 28, No. The feminist frontier: on trans and feminism. Description: For over thirty years, Frontiers has explored the diversity of women's lives as shaped by such factors as race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and place. 2020 marks change at Frontiers, a Women Studies Journal. 2, pp. 145-157. (2019).
We seek to advance feminist investigations and expressions into the 21st century.
Unlike previous journal special issues marking anniversary moments of the Iranian Revolution, this collection of essays, art, and creative writing emerged over the course of conversations in 2019 that centered projects of gender justice, women’s leadership in popular struggles, and other forms of feminist political work which are a major force of societal transformation in Iran. Feminist Currents. Yet the turbulent events of late 2019 and early 2020 are stark reminders that Iranians continue to resist for their liberation. These events once again confirmed that the history, legacy, and freedom dreams of the 1979 Revolution are still bitterly contested, forty years later. As of July 2017, the journal’s editorial office is based at the University of Utah. Please see submissions for more contact information. Feminist Theory is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for critical analysis and constructive debate within feminism. Unlike previous journal special issues marking anniversary moments of the Iranian Revolution, this collection of essays, art, and creative writing emerged over the course of conversations in 2019 that centered projects of gender justice, women’s leadership in popular struggles, and other forms of feminist political work which are a major force of societal transformation in Iran.Frontiers is pleased to present a special online issue addressing gender politics in Iran in the last forty years following the 1979 Iran Revolution. Frontiers -- as a term or topic of analysis -- envokes differing memories, figurations, affects and emotions.Frontiers encourages general submissions in all areas of women's studies that explore the diversity of women's lives as shaped by such factors as race, ethnicity, class, dis/ability, sexuality, and place.2019 marked the fortieth anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. Current Issue, 38.1; Front Page.
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