Musician Corey Harris travels through Mississippi and on to West Africa, exploring the roots of the music. I came to see blues as not only its own distinct genre, but the ancestor of pretty much all popular American music today, from jazz, to rock and roll, and even to hip-hop. It’s like a light in the darkness that never goes out.” His statement carries some weight, but some music is much more than an eternal beacon in the night.
Hosting via voiceover, Scorsese blends together a mix of archival footage and original video documentary work in a bid to profile some of the biggest names in blues music: Lead Belly, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters (who showed up in Scorsese’s 1978 concert film, THE LAST WALTZ), Son House, and Charley Patton.Perhaps as a reference to his previous work (2002’s GANGS OF NEW YORK), Scorsese opens the documentary with a drum and fife performance similar to the music heard at the beginning of his historical epic. Feel Like Going Home is the first episode in a seven-part series titled The Blues: A Musical Journey.
Musician Corey Harris travels through Mississippi and on to West Africa, exploring the roots of the music. Prior to taking the class, I wouldn’t have really called myself a blues aficionado—I was only taking the class in the first place because The History of Rock And Roll was all booked up. Indeed, THE BLUES: “FEEL LIKE GOING HOME” is a natural fit within Scorsese’s documentary career, continuing his longtime exploration of rock music and its culture. Typ hieronder je accreditatiecode voor DOCVILLE 2019 inDOCVILLE - Een project van Fonk Vzw - Andreas Vesaliusstraat 9c - 3000 Leuven - Due to Covid-19 DOCVILLE is postponed to 23/9 - 1/10/2020 (
Director Martin Scorsese (The Last Waltz, Raging Bull, Gangs of New York) pays homage to the Delta blues. Scorsese himself directed the premiere episode, “FEEL LIKE GOING HOME”, which chronicles the genre’s beginnings in the Mississippi Delta region as well as its roots further back in Africa. The series aired on PBS in fall 2003 and now is available on DVD. What’s perhaps most telling about Scorsese’s own personal interests is the significant amount of time he dedicates to the subject of John Lomax, who collaborated with the Library of Congress to travel the country and record authentic regional folk music in the early twentieth century. Director Martin Scorsese (The Last Waltz, Raging Bull, Gangs of New York) pays homage to the Delta blues. In the fall of my junior year in college, I took a class on the history of American blues music. Feel Like Going Home - documentary Sept 5, 2015 17:36:45 GMT . It’s an incredibly eye-opening experience to see the interconnectedness of various musical genres, giving an immense appreciation for all styles regardless of personal taste.This class was also where I first saw an episode from a documentary series titled THE BLUES (2003), commissioned by director Martin Scorsese in collaboration with several other prominent filmmakers in a bid to chronicle America’s musical heritage through the prism of blues music.
Feel Like Going Home Martin Scorcese. Contactgegevens kunnen enkel bekeken worden door ingelogde geaccrediteerden.
Feel Like Going Home begins with a voiceover of Martin Scorsese saying, “I can’t imagine my life or anyone else’s without music. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. Feel Like Going Home, part 1 of Martin Scorsese's Blues documentary series, a long watch but a *vital* part of blues history I came across Corey Harris by chance. The film celebrates the early Delta bluesmen through original performances (including Willie King, Taj Mahal, Otha Turner, and Ali Farka Toure) and rare archival footage (featuring Son House, Muddy Waters, and John Lee Hooker). Scorsese himself directed the premiere episode, “FEEL LIKE GOING HOME”, which chronicles the genre’s beginnings in the Mississippi Delta region as well as its roots further back in Africa. Thankfully, the blues class turned out to be one of my favorite classes of my entire college experience, and I relished the homework that sent me out to various blues festivals and concerts around Boston so I could report back on the experience. Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by Deleted on Sept 5, 2015 17:36:45 GMT. Outside of another class on the sociological impact of world cities, this was a pretty striking break from an otherwise long stream of film production and theory classes. Scorsese has made something of a side career for himself in his efforts with film preservation, and just as he believes its important to preserve our cinematic heritage, so too does he relate to Lomax’s own bid to chronicle the work of a certain set of people during a certain point of time before they’re lost to the tidal sweep of history.All told, THE BLUES: “FEEL LIKE GOING HOME” is an interesting foray into the history of blues music, as told by an artist who was fundamentally shaped by the genre and has incorporated it into his own aesthetic.THE BLUES: “FEEL LIKE GOING HOME” is currently available on standard definition DVD.Martin Scorsese’s American Express Commercials (2004) For some it is…
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