This article talks about client server and what that means in the MAS world. As data is needed, the computer first reads a segment of the disk file into a buffer and then uses the memory based version for the program's subsequent access to that portion of the file. ; But unlike the internet, there is no delay for graphical images to be downloaded for display. They communicate with an intelligent client at the workstation that locally implements the Windows interface. To note though, due to the internal architecture of CaseWare Working Papers, the closer the Working Paper file is to the actual application, the better the performance. How thin can you go? You work for a government / university / corporation with many employees. Moving to a Thin Client model with CaseWare can yield major performance improvements. fat client (thick client): A fat client (sometimes called a thick client) is a networked computer with most resources installed locally, rather than distributed over a network as is the case with a thin client . It talks about Thin Clients and what that means compared with a Fat Client.

Because moving data in memory is so much faster than accessing the disk drive, the workstation hoards as much data from the server's disk files as possible in large blocks of memory called buffers. This improves reliability but doesn't do so much for performance because the programs are still downloaded and all of the application's data records, not just the portion required for the user's screen display, are read and written over the network to be processed at the workstation.Fat Client - the whole application program loads on the client workstation and runs locally.The Application Server environment of MAS 200 is similar to the internet. Also, to minimize network traffic, static MAS 200 components such as the Help text files are kept on the workstation in a local "cache". All Rights Reserved.association of proactive consulting professionals who combine technology skills while still operating their own independent companies. Even over high-speed lines, there can often be a tedious wait for the screen to display.The Client/Server implementation of MAS 200 embodies a "Unix" style architecture. Then you commence running your applications (Excel, Word etc.) Thin Clients and Zero Clients can help an enterprise build a remote work solution to address the challenges introduced by COVID-19. It contrasts the Fat Client implementation of MAS 90 with the Thin Client of MAS 200. Every time you turn around there is some new three letter acronym (obligatory acronym: "TLA") or concept being discussed. If your organization is not currently using one of these thin client solutions, and your only concern is CaseWare performance, we also strongly suggest To get more tech tips for executives, be sure to sign up for our blog In Black & White. They are not very interested on thier own but offer a wide range of functionality by connecting to variety of web servers. This is no different than any other application, like Microsoft Outlook for example, being installed on your computer. Not the same as reading a document, moving lots of data around for a few minutes, then writing it back. It all depends on the specifications of what it in them. New clients continue to be introduced, like HP’s unveiling of the t310 G2 All-in-One Zero Client in January.With client types on the market ranging from traditional thick desktop computers to PC over IP zero clients and everything in between, IT decision-makers are left with tough questions as they try to parse out the differences and best uses of various client types.
which are using Things get more interesting when your applications need to use This is where the second approach comes to the rescue.

on each one and let everyone work independently. Instead, end users are given terminals, sometimes called "dumb-terminals". This white paper was written to help our clients understand the difference between Sage MAS 90 and Sage MAS 200.Here is the original article written by our founder, Phil Martin.Most Local Area Networks or LANs run as file servers, meaning they operate as a shared remote disk drive for client workstations. When people refer to fat clients, this is when you have a normal desktop or laptop computer with the full Prophet 21 ERP software package installed on it. In these types of applications, the major processing is done at the client-side and involves only a periodic connection to the server. It is not necessary to connect through products such as Microsoft Terminal Server or pcANYWHERE. These networks are optimal for document based processing such as word-processing and spreadsheet applications because they provide a dedicated processor for working with large amounts of data in memory and share the infrequent access to disk drives. Thick client application, also known as Fat Client is a client in client-server architecture or network and typically provides rich functionality, independent of the server. So, for transaction based applications, forget about performance on a File Server LAN. For certain corporations and situations implementing Thin Clients and a terminal server farm can provide reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and reduced support requirements. Data is buffered at the server and only display data is sent to the workstation. No programs are downloaded and no application data files are opened on the user's workstation. There is no processing delay to download the program over the network to the workstation and there is no overhead to read and write large data buffers across the network. There are two primary technologies to discuss that drive this model, one provided by Microsoft ( "Remote Desktop Server" or RDS) & another provided by Citrix (XenDesktop). How does your organization deal with these requirements?There are numerous variations and exceptions with more innovations coming all the time. 2. Consequently, during a program's execution, data in the buffers get "out of sync" with their disk file counterparts. Everything is on the host except the user interface. Essentially all they do is present the user with a picture of a computer interface on their monitor and accept the users' input (mouse clicks and keyboard typing), sending it along to the the server for processing. All data, programs, and processing remains on the server. Past article posted on MBA's old website about MAS 200 or at the time MAS90 c/s or Client server.

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