However, if you do not use the Wait feature and actually stand there in real game-time, no one will appear for the next 5+ hours.

Prices are the same from store to store, but can be affected by the player's Merchants will have a new inventory after a period of three days, and then again after four days, in order to correspond with the length of a week.

Zero-weight items work best, so that you don't become encumbered. Even if the caravan owner and bodyguard are dead, their pack brahmin will still follow the trade route.

By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Even if the key to the merchant's inventory is looted from his body, the dead merchant's inventory will never restock on the brahmin. or do I just need buy ammo and stimpaks to make up the difference?That said, as you (and commenters) have noted, trading for caps is generally a losing proposition - trade for other stuff instead, and use caps to make up the difference. Anybody can answer

For Fallout 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Which vendors have the most caps?

Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including
What do you do with caps anyways? Buying to sell things happens in many games where currency is kinda limited (Skyrim, Fallouts serie, etc).think tenpenny tower has the richest ones. Buying ammos and selling rifles back is the easiest way, caps are not abundant in Fallout, as you noticed.

I traded any loot I found for ammo. 2 years ago. Detailed answers to any questions you might have

Depositing a small amount of caps over time to the workbench, they allow another avenue of random shipments, junk, ammunition, and clothing beyond pre-existing and wandering merchants.

Special encounters with doctors, chem vendors, and hunters (food vendors) are also possible when traveling. Merchant with most caps in Fallout 3. Bottle caps are the standard currency in Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.

The merchants cycle through the caravan waypoints in the same order: Doc Hoff, Crazy Wolfgang, Crow, then Lucky Harith. Caravan merchants have more health than standard non-player characters, and their caravan guard bodyguards are significantly tougher than normal, even wearing their basic leather armor. In addition to standard methods of acquiring bottle caps (finding, trading, stealing, killing, etc. My barter is 85 and I notice I get quite a bit fewer caps for things selling them to … The best answers are voted up and rise to the top

So who are the richest merchants to go to? At Canterbury Commons, Uncle Roe offers the player a map showing the paths of the merchants and their various trade stops.

Merchant inventories will scale with the player's level, although certain advanced items such as power armor and plasma weapons will not normally be available.

The addition of the settlement system in Fallout 4 allows one to assign any settler to a store, allowing the player character's own merchants to be created. Any caps paid to merchants can be found in their inventories should they be killed. He also gives the option of investing in any of the caravans. In the aftermath of the Great War bottle caps – mostly from bottles of Nuka-Cola – are the most commonly used currency across the former United States of America . Nonetheless, caravan merchants are still susceptible to death due to the dangers of their routes: You can check to see if a Merchant is dead by talking with On the PC you can recover the merchant using the console.

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