I want to stay right here, forever.âThese feelings propel us to make some of the most irrational decisions or perform unexpected, romantic tasks, like staying up all night, talking on the phone despite having midterms or an important client meeting the next day, making breakfast just because or driving 400 miles to spend a day with him or her.Emotions, especially love, passion and happiness, are our strongest motivators because we will do anything to maintain them.However, we often fail to realize that it never lasts. Let’s go back in time and dwell in an epic list of the best hard rock love songs and rock ballads. Iâve fallen in love twice and stayed in love once.When it happened the first time, I was naïve, emotional and idealistic, but was left extremely broken and unaware.I spent a lot of time thinking about why things didnât work out how we had intended. By those standards, none of these songs are perfect, but they’re all at least very good at paying homage to Mom. It’s easy to feel your heart jump when your hands graze for the first time. When you expect the infatuating, addictive, high-inducing rush of excitement that occurs during the ‘falling’ stage to last permanently. All that mattered was that he and I were happy and that everything felt good.And, thatâs what falling in love is. I certainly do. Once you come down and reality sinks, it gets a little tricky.The emotions become less intense until they stabilize into something that is just a part of your everyday life. What goes up, must come down and sometimes, the high lasts for a couple of months and sometimes, it can last for a couple of years.We are often blinded by the illusion that everything good is infinite and invincible. It’s easy to get butterflies as you lean in for your first kiss. Our lives are dynamic: what might have been a wonderful relationship for a decade can still fall over. Whereas most typical love songs focus on the concept of long-lasting love, “Apocalyptic Love” is a song about a relationship that has one night left as the world comes to an end. Staying in love, is hard… O έρωτας είναι η κινητήριος δύναμη της ζωής! I do not care for country music or rap/R&B its not for me but if you like it thats cool. And of course even the best suited couple can change. But the problem comes when you think of them as one and the same. It is hard to go out and meet new friends or find love.
It was easy until it wasnât.The second time I fell in love was quite the opposite experience.I was cautious, skeptical and built an emotional fortress for protection.But eventually, it all came crumbling down, brick by brick, until I was back in that familiar place. I think that is not because of falling out of love per se but because differences in wants and needs just get too great sometimes.I think some people give themselves fully, and some are playing poker.Well, at the beginning of a relationship your brain releases all these chemicals that make you rather infatuated. It can take as little as one moment. Falling In Love Is Easy — It's Staying In Love That's Hard. If you do agree with this statement, then I would like to hear some ideas on the relevance of it: what does it mean, really? Itâs a natural high, a rush of intense emotions â anticipation, warmth, euphoria and fear â that takes you by force.You never really see it coming, and then unexpectedly, it all catches up and you eventually realize thereâs no turning back.When you find yourself at that sweet spot, you think, âThis is where I want to be. The perfect country song, according to David Allan Coe’s hilarious classic “You Never Even Called Me By My Name,” requires that you refer to trains, trucks, prison, gettin’ drunk and – of course – mama. In this carefree, summery song, Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat express their gratefulness at fall in love with their best friend. Είναι πάθος, ενθουσιασμός, έκσταση, χαρά, αισιοδοξία, όρεξη για ζωή αλλά βέβαια και πόνος και θλίψη, γιατί αυτό σημαίνει να ζεις. Falling in love is the easy part. I’ve fallen in love twice and stayed in love once. ... And, that’s what falling in love is. In this case, accidentally falling in love with your best friend is a happy coincidence that can lead to a wonderful relationship.
Love Is Not Always Easy, ... happen overnight but you can stay together when you focus on thing that made you fall in love in the first place. When this wears off, then suddenly things that you thought were cute are now annoying So you have to learn how to communicate, respect each other and work together in order to stay in love. Accidental love lyrics: I’m lucky I’m in love … While hard rock emerged in the late 60s and developed in the 70s, it was the glam 80s that showcased the genre in new light. By Belyn Lai. Feb. 17, 2015. 11/16/2016 0 Comments Love is more than just a feeling . Falling in love: the easy part.
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