Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. UKiset is an adaptive online test, taken in English, designed to support admission into the UK independent education systemThe best way to understand what makes Epsom exceptional is to experience it first hand. Rome2rio makes travelling from Epsom to Esher Sixth Form College easy. Sixth Form; Subjects; Academic Enrichment; Careers and Higher Education; Academic support and development; Library; Life at Epsom. Walk our grounds, meet our pupils and be our guests.A step-by-step guide to our admissions process, from registration through to assessments and scholarships. If you would like to join our Sixth Form and would like a tour please contact our Admissions Officer on the link below. Select from the drop down box the type of form you are looking for and a list of online forms will be displayed. Each pupil will benefit from a structured learning environment with outstanding levels of pastoral care.While at Epsom, they will learn study and time-management skills that will be crucial to success at university.The curriculum structure is based on pupils studying three principal subjects to A-level.These are supplemented with the Extended Project Qualification that develops their academic skill set further and will prepare them for undergraduate study.Our Sixth Form enjoys a strong community ethos.

Our Sixth Form Open Evening has taken place for 2019 and the next will be held in October 2020. Around 20% of our pupils are international, making use of our excellent boarding facilities and all that an education at one of the UK’s top independent schools can offer.We participate in an entrance test called UKiset – the UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test.
Rosebery School is an all-girls school located in Epsom, Surrey. The Lower School is for day pupils only.We welcome a number of pupils to Epsom at 13+ (Year 9).

Its campus is on the outskirts of Epsom, near Epsom Downs on the North Downs, near the racecourse, home to the annual Epsom Derby. The College takes pride in guiding and encouraging each pupil to fulfil and surpass his or her goals. The majority of year 11 students opt to stay on and we continue to attract others from outside the school. It consists of a lower school for those aged between 11 and 16, and a Sixth Form for those aged between 16 … Information on Open Mornings and other ways to take a look around We were excited to open the doors of our Lower School in September 2016, and are now in our fourth year of enjoying a full complement of Lower School pupils. 16+ entry (Sixth Form) Entering the Sixth Form is an exciting step, a time of new challenges and growing independence, with extensive opportunities for enrichment as well as a time for serious study. The Lower School has a wonderful community feel and provides the perfect transition from Prep and Junior School into College life. Lower School Fees (Years 7 and 8) Michaelmas Term 2020: £6,537; Senior School Fees (Years 9-13) Day pupils. Twenty years later, the school became fully co-educational. LAC & PLAC. There are many opportunities available for pupils to develop their leadership skills such as chairing the weekly debates or organising events as part of the Prefect Team.Extensive opportunities also exist to have fun with other like-minded pupils in sport, drama productions, orchestras, choirs, societies, trips abroad and much more.The College has outstanding resources, with a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, superb ICT facilities and a social and educational programme.The College offers a separate, accelerated and very accessible A-level programme for students joining in January of Year 12.

Life at Epsom; Pastoral Care; The School Day; In 1976, girls were first allowed into the sixth-form. This is achieved by offering a broad academic curriculum and providing unsurpassed support. The wide range of co-curricular activities available allows pupils to learn more about their individual strengths and capabilities. [view:eforms_list=page] Apply, Report or Pay for it online through our online forms.
Here you will find our prospectus to give you a sense of the subjects we have on offer at Sixth Form level. At Epsom College, the Sixth Form offers a broad range of learning opportunities that allow individuals to flourish and prepare for the demands of the wider world.Epsom is a diverse and welcoming community. Find all the transport options for your trip from Epsom to Esher Sixth Form College right here. This includes special provision for those interested in entering Oxbridge or pursuing a medical career.For more information on our Sixth Form please follow the link below:

2. Sixth Form Open Evening 2019. The information below, and on the following pages, takes you through the different stages in the admissions process for each specific year of entry; from initial registration through to assessments and scholarships.In all instances, if you haven’t done so already, we strongly recommend visiting the College.

Students on this accelerated programme will experience immersive learning on our spectacular 50-acre campus with access to participate in sports, music and drama and personalised Higher Education support.The College intends to offer the following subjects as part of the 18 Month Programme:For more information on our 18 Month Programme, please A comprehensive higher education and careers service provides excellent guidance for all Sixth Formers. This is a clear vindication for the excellent experience our sixth formers have. Children who, at the time of admission, will have a sibling, living at the same address, at the school. Entering the Sixth Form is an exciting step, a time of new challenges and increased independence, with extensive opportunities for enrichment as well as a time for serious study.Learn more about our higher education and careers guidance

EPSOM & EWELL: SIXTH FORM OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR EXTERNAL STUDENTS - 2020 Blenheim High School 1. Michaelmas Term 2020: £8,717; Weekly boarders. At Epsom College in Malaysia, we view our Sixth Form as a training ground for university study, ensuring students have the knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve at the highest level. Welcome to Epsom and Ewell High School Sixth Form.

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