Sometimes just a few marks can be the difference between an A and an A*, so you need to maximize your chances of success.A good way to ensure your EPQ essay is perfect is to get someone else to look through it. It’s worth setting effective word counts for your EPQ essay elements for those extra marksOne of the most important aspects of an EPQ is the research.

�GV�3E��;��� ����ar�6 �0 F?#k Week beginning 28th September - You should now have completed your 'Record of Initial Ideas' and be moving on to completing the above part of your project log - Part A Candidate Proposal. It's expected you spend around 120 hours on your EPQl, some may do it in less, some may take considerably longer - these are only guidelines.You can personalise what you see on TSR. You’ll know exactly what’s in your EPQ, and therefore your introduction can accurately ‘introduce’ your essayYour conclusion paragraph should be slightly longer than your average subtitle, and definitely longer than your introduction your conclusion should sum up everything you’ve talked about in your EPQ essay.Your conclusion should essentially answer the question you asked at the start of your EPQ essay. Avoid anything that has the potential to upset or damage anyone.Start thinking about your own interests and passions, the environment around you and organisations and activities you're a part of. Please list below any books, leaflets or other materials (for example DVDs, software packages, internet information) ... • Discussion of EPQ as a process. The 5000 words you write will be about this question, and so If you don’t make it a question that interests you, then you’ll find it harder to write as much about it. This is an A* EPQ dissertation example. If you choose a question with lots to write about, you can use that to your advantage when trying to reach those 5000 words.choose a question where there’s a lot to write about, you’ll find that your EPQ is slow and drains you. 0000027303 00000 n

Don’t go overboard with your introduction, as you should aim to make the bulk of your essay about your EPQ question.I’ve already mentioned it, but you want to write about 300 words per subtitle. 19 0 obj<>stream You should aim to include everything you talked about in your other subtitles (that’s why it’s a little bit longer).You’ll obviously want to write your conclusion paragraph after everything else, or you’ll have nothing to conclude. November 2018. Think about what you like, and focus your EPQ essay on that.It’s important to choose an EPQ you’re interested in, or you may run into some problems. Your conclusion should be about the same size as your subtitles, but maybe just a little bit bigger.If all else fails, just read through your structure and think about it from an examiners’ point of view. Again, as this is an example from last year the title is very …

If you get this bit wrong, you can say goodbye to a good grade in your EPQ.The question relating to your EPQ topic of choice is what you’ll spend your time working on. And make sure your project choice is practical and ethical. It involves choosing a topic, carrying out research, then creating EITHER a 5,000 word report OR a 'product' + a 1,000 word report. To be completed by the candidate . © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd.Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 0000008045 00000 n 0000004722 00000 n Find a question that genuinely peaks your interest (relating to your EPQ of course) and the rest will come naturally.It’s also important, however, that you choose a question where there’s a lot to write about.

It can be on literally ANYTHING you want, within reason.

0000004292 00000 n 0000020229 00000 n Your message must have two characters or more. Supervisors will agree the project title and proposal and complete the supervisor’s section in the Project Proposal Form for each learner. Just go for a massive brainstorm (you maximize the chances of you making some actually good subtitles.


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