As of Chapter 76, however, the scar appears to have healed over completely.
• As a State Alchemist, Edward Elric technically held the rank of "Major" 2 + Follow - Unfollow 3px arm (Slim) Background Edward Elric (IM NOT SHORT!) Edward is also rather quick-tempered, resorting more often to steel-fisted violence than calm negotiation to settle disputes (even going so far as to suggest that refraining from hitting Paninya because of her gender is a sexist notion and, therefore, against his principles). • Edward has consistently been voted the series' most popular character in fan polls.
Animage Readers' Poll.
Ivy1844. human based Homunculus but nevertheless
He also wears a wide brown leather belt to which he keeps his silver State Alchemist pocket watch affixed. Edward is quite short for his age, standing at only (4'11") at the beginning of the series, despite his attempts to appear taller, (due to the notation that he cannot stand regular milk). height also included his elevator shoes and The name has been adopted in the Iberian peninsula since the 15th century, due to Edward, King of Portugal, whose mother was English.The Spanish/Portuguese forms of the name are Eduardo and Duarte.Other variant forms include French Édouard, Italian Edoardo, German and Dutch Eduard and Scandinavian/Czech Edvard.. Short forms include Ed, Eddy, Eddie, Ted, Teddy and Ned. uncle to the seven Homunculi, as he relates sandwiches. • Though automail has its advantages, Ed is fully aware of its disadvantages as well. jokingly confirmed that, in the manga, was 141 cm (about 4'8").
During the Elric Brothers' trip to the northern area, Ed's cloak was modified somewhat with a white fur trim around the hood to accommodate comfortable passage through cold conditions.
short is because he refuses to drink milk. barometric pressure, the joints of his left leg He is particularly short tempered, when it comes to his height, and will smash anyone's face in that calls him short. Though he will intervene on behalf of the oppressed if he concludes that a situation has called for it, Ed tends to help only those with the will - but not the means - to help themselves, in which case his recklessness and disdain for authority often has him bending the rules to dole out a Robin Hood-esque justice in accordance with his strong belief in the concept of Equivalent Exchange, earning him notoriety and popularity as a "hero of the people."
• Edward is one of only three people to have single-handedly dealt a killing blow to a • Pride is the Führer of the military, Edward's superior officer.
3XL: length:76cm; shoulder:--cm; chest:120cm; sleeve:--cm;height:185-190cm. sung by Park and the seiyu of Alphonse Elric, See more ideas about Edward elric, Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, Fullmetal alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist Database Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 88 . he has at least attained his 165 cm stature. fact that his right is artificial. been so prideful throughout the series. • Edward is - as a direct descendant of Van Hohenheim - close blood kin to Father and
At the end of the series, Edward is shown to have grown noticeably taller, being several inches taller than Winry and finally being at least equal in height to Alphonse.
He is largely hostile towards figures of authority and feels little incentive to follow orders with which he disagrees, earning him the distinction of being a loose cannon of sorts. As someone who has had to suffer greatly at such a young age, Edward cannot ignore the true suffering of others and becomes sympathetic upon sensing pain and resolve in people's hearts. "Automail" (機械鎧(オートメイル), Ōtomeiru, Japanese kanji lit. • As an avid traveler, Edward codes his own alchemy research notes in the guise of a
travelogue. weight of his earlier automail limbs was • Sloth is in the image of his late mother, Trisha. whole of the series, disregarding his • The new Elric family photo bears a resemblance to the old Elric family photo This is seen at the beginning of the manga and 2003 anime where the jacket is longer and is tucked into his belt. Early on in the manga, Ed receives a thin, horizontal battle scar just above his right eye, which remains because his subsequent battles cause the sensitive skin to tear open repeatedly. taste so good. Emblazoned in black on the back is a Flamel, signifying his tutelage under the master alchemist Izumi Curtis. She gets into fights, she charges people at the slightest provocation, and she always carries multiple knives on her person, at least one butterfly knife. taxing his slight frame and contributing to • Edward's name means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, Due to Izumi's Spartan training, Edward has become a particularly competent hand-to-hand fighter, able to hold his own against armed opponents and even skilled martial arts practitioners.
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