VIP members get additional benefits.Login to The Constructor to ask questions, answer people’s questions, write articles & connect with other people. Since buildings are normally constructed to resist gravity, many traditional systems of construction are not inherently resistant to horizontal forces. E.g. For example, it is recommended to use flexible floor slabs to joint different cantilever masonry walls rather than employing rigid coupling beams.

(Gotz et al., 1989) Poor seismic design of building structure may lead to collapse or destruction. Thus, designing an earthquake resistant building consists largely of bracing a building against sideways movement. The former supports gravity loads and the whole lateral seismic forces whereas the latter carries gravity loads and face loads.It is considered in the analysis that secondary system does not support lateral seismic forces, but this assumption is not accurate because it carries unspecified amount of lateral forces.That is why such walls should be designed to withstand displacements which might occur due to lateral seismic forces. There are various types of masonry wall which may be suitable to construct in areas prone to earthquakes. This leads to decrease in amount of moment transferred from one wall to another.Another consideration is keeping opening in the cantilever masonry wall as minimum as possible to prevent the influence of openings on the vertical cantilever action of the wall.Added to that, columns may be introduced to help the wall in supporting applied vertical loads.As far as energy absorption is concerned, plastic hinges, which are carefully designed at the base of the wall, is provided to dissipate earthquake energy.Finally, cantilever masonry wall displacement capacity is controlled by plastic rotation capacity of the plastic hinges.Generally, masonry construction composed of peripheral masonry walls penetrated by openings, for instance, windows and doors as shown in Figure-2.When lateral seismic force acts on the coupled masonry wall as can be observed in Figure-4, then hinges would form either in piers as shown Figure-5 in or in spandrel as in Figure-6.By and large, the formation of hinges in piers occurs in most of cases and it is more common compared with the case where the hinge created in spandrels. Types of Earthquake Resistant Masonry Walls Construction. System Upgrade on Fri, Jun 26th, 2020 at 5pm (ET) During this period, our website will be offline for less than an hour but the E-commerce and registration of new … Types of these seismic resistant masonry wall are discussed.Cantilever masonry wall is an isolated wall constructed on either flexible or rigid foundation. It ensures that building structures are designed and constructed in such a way that full collapse is prevented and allows sufficient time to the dwellers to escape the building during earthquakes.An unreinforced masonry building (or UMB, URM building) is a type of building where load bearing walls, non-load bearing walls or other structures are made up of brick or other masonry material, that is not braced by reinforcing material, such as rebar in a concrete.During an earthquake, the ground surface moves in all directions. Earthquake construction means implementation of seismic design to enable building and non-building structures to live through the anticipated earthquake exposure up to the expectations and in compliance with the applicable building codes.

These structures perform better during the earthquakes and give sufficient time to its dwellers to evacuate the building, besides saving lives, reducing injuries and lowering the damages of the earthquake. (Structural Engineers Association of California, 1996)The level of resistance aimed for in earthquake resistant design is based on the concept of 'acceptable risk', with the following objectives;The seismic design is based on the knowledge of soil conditions as well as the application of construction techniques, methods and criteria used for the design and construction of building structures exposed to earthquakes (Lindeburg & Baradar, 2001).
This measure is specified to prevent considerable plastic deformation of secondary wall and keep its role which is supporting gravity load.Finally, it necessary to make the center of rigidity of both primary and secondary wall as close as possible to decline the torsional effects which is not desirable.Masonry walls should be able to withstand out of plane bending moment or face loads. How Buildings Respond to Earthquakes 6 II.

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