Murda on the beat so it's not nice I'm the fuckin' CEO, my team depend on me I ain't goin' to no club unless they pay the fee Some niggas turned they back, knew they would switch up on me Depend On Me Lyrics: When you're losin' direction / Baby you can depend on me / For a little love and affection / You can depend me / If ya feel broken hearted and you just can't get started / You can I be's a TRU nigga till I'm dead, depend on me I won't rest till all my thug niggas is free (x2) Verse 1: [C-Murder] I'm in the studio smokin weed with my TRU thugs I'm the fuckin' CEO, my team depend on me (Me) I ain't goin' to no club unless they pay the fee (The fee) Some niggas turned they back, knew they … That something's got you down and caused you pain But you're trying to hide the hurt that's inside You think you should be strong and never say

We've been friends for so long, I know I'm not wrongWhen you find you need a friend, someone who will understandWhen you find you need a friend, someone who will understandDon't you know that's the way that best friends should beWhen you're lost and can't be found, I won't ever let you downWhen you find you need a friend, someone who will understandWhen you find you need a friend, someone who will understandWhen you find you need a friend, someone who will understandPOPULAR SONG: J Balvin, Tainy - "Agua" (Music From 'Sponge On The Run' Movie) - LYRICSMatch These Taylor Swift Songs to Her Ex-Boyfriends Lyrics to 'Depend On Me' by Nikki Webster.

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