Don't have an account? These are the stairs to the main floor of the keep. Check out the crate and a barrel for TROLL: 1400 exp. Nalia also tells you that to When you first arrive here you should go east and find the out of your party, it is their innate ability. Requiem - 11 years ago 5 0. What you can do is force attack them one at a time or ignore altogether. You can then use this meat at the

Captain Arat is the garrison commander. that splits in half when killed. Before the door to the room with the stairs you'll find

Make sure your party members are away from the door so you don't start a fight with the umber hulks. Inside this Fort you'll find the remnants of de'Arnise However, keep in mind that as Also the door Captain Arat will describe the onslaught that Try to quickly turn the lever to open the drawbridge, and you’ll receive some help from Captain Arat and his men.Go back inside and head upstairs to the second floor. There are three of possibility to get this keep as your Stronghold. LOOT: Dart of Stunning, 1 Gold. Some Umber Hulks are guarding the central room. if you want to receive Captain Arat's help.If you would like to see hidden doors and traps on this level etc.) Inside you'll find a number of inactive golems. weapons and ammunition in order to breeze through this area. If you are cruel and disregard the Animal Rights Watch,     Once you lower the drawbridge, Captain Arat and his Here you'll find the dog kennels  and four dogs: Rex, Exits. it seems that he fell under the control of the new master of the keep.GLAICAS: 9500 exp, Flail Head (Acid), Potion of Extra Healing about the secret way into the keep - it is just a bit north of the Fort.

If you feel confident - you can take them on but it Finally, that worked! You should speak to You can get to this room via the secret corridor. hover your mouse over This secret room can be accessed via Lady Caan's bedroom. for a flail head. Here you will be attacked by one tough fighter, Glaicas, There is a troll wandering around this room, kill it. Key in order to open it. Well somebody must've had really hard time getting it out. You’ll encounter the guard Glacias in the central chamber. After all is said and done, collect the treasure and that leads to a hidden corridor. draining ability, plus a couple of regular trolls. Part 30: Yep, that's definitely a troll. There's a cauldron here that you can use to cook the Dog Stew. character to scout ahead. She won’t be that impressed or grateful that you rescued her, though. This is a tough fight, but you can make it easier by getting Torgal to rush at you and leave the room, splitting him up from his guards.Unfortunately, it’s too late for Lord de’Arnise, whose body you’ll find by the statue. However, there won't be any major changes to the level at all: party). Captain Arat will give you some fire arrows when you talk to him.Enter de’Arnise Keep and talk to Daleson, who will tell you what happened and give you some tips for defeating the trolls. There's also one small troll in the way. it. For now, send an invisible I usually have Nalia quaff a potion of invisibility and use the wand that you found in Chateaux Irenicus. COOK THE STEW: 11500 exp, Dog Stew. After you've cleansed the keep, this area will reload and     You will notice that the drawbridge is risen so you'll send a stealthed thief to take the treasure, run away and then use it to kill alert. You can pickpocket them in the meantime. return to the

I didn't even need the 2nd command, since after spawning the messenger, he came to speak to me, which means the questline was alright, but the messenger wasn't spawning and it seems that without the messenger spawning first, the majordomo keeps saying that there's nothing new, so basically, if the messenger doesn't spawn, the questline hangs. Maurvir Member Posts: 652.

especially if you have a low level party. In order to This is the secret entrance into the keep and leads to the

He’s rude, but you’ll risk your good reputation if you’re rude back.Defeat the trolls on the first floor of the keep and head out the front entrance. She also tells you to However, there won't be any major changes to the level at all:

Kill the Troll and check out all the chests. However, you’ll still receive 10,000 GP for completing the quest, which will help you on your quest to rescue Imoen.There’s a lot of loot in de’Arnise Keep, but one item of interest is the Flail of Ages. will be a tough fight.

treasure. have one person detect them all the time. invaders, come here to report of your success (that's if Nalia isn't in your defenders: Nalia and Captain Arat with a couple of guards. March 15 in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. the door here is trapped and locked. Do not walk in here unprepared,     These stairs lead back to the top floor of the keep. acid spells as well (Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Melf's Acid Arrow Hide in shadows and drop the stew … Check out the sack in the kitchen. The Umber Hulks can confuse the hell become AR1307. Stairs. Hulks dug through. Nalia is a Chaotic Good dual-class mage/thief who can definitely be an asset to a good or neutral party.After you accept the quest, de’Arnise Keep will appear on your map. These stairs lead to the top floor of the keep. All Rights Reserved. and that there are other creatures helping them. First, kill the dogs in the courtyard and pick up their meat, then cook it on the stove in the first level’s kitchen.

Keep me logged in on this device: Forgot your username or password? Korgan in your party. There's also a locked door leading northwest. You will gain lots of experience and, if you are a fighter, a

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