As Jonathan Chait wrote “On May 28, progressive election data analyst David Shor tweeted about a new paper by Princeton professor Omar Wasow, showing that peaceful civil-rights protests moved public opinion toward protesters while violent protests had the opposite effect. Racist propaganda. (Since my conversation with Walter, Jonathan Chait has publicly stated that Shor did not contact him, and continues to refuse to talk to him. Former US president Barack Obama has expressed satisfaction at what he Let’s see what this “great awakening” has involved.Black Lives Matter, the group behind it, is a far left, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-family revolutionary movement with openly expressed aims of destroying western culture and society.In the insurrection it has led, statues commemorating great people in American history have been torn down in acts of mass vandalism and criminal damage on the basis that they represent “white colonialism” or “white privilege”.Others are being removed by the relevant authorities on the same basis. Whoever you are, whether you are my friend or not, this was a profoundly cowardly act. Anyone who supports them will also be targeted in this witch-hunt.

Yesterday on the list, the female data scientist commenter who wrote the above post earlier, quoted Chait’s new piece, and added (again, emphasis in the original):Power asserted through defamation is toxic. Don’t anonymously go to the press just because you’re a coward. Find out more in our call with data scientist David Shor.

In his view, the Shor interpretation of Wasow’s work is seriously flawed. Chait goes on:“The ‘racist tweet’ was of course a straightforward summary of a respected professor’s work. “I can’t imagine him coming back from this. to find out more, read our Data itself is racist, and logic itself is racist, if they produce results that offend certain people. By David Kaufma n. July 13, 2020 Former U.S. President Barack Obama's Presidential Library has hit another roadblock. But they have completely taken over the middle management of the party.

This is controversial within the progressive community, said Walter, because arguments that happen behind closed doors “privileges those who hold the power.”Walter is a number-cruncher. For ease of reading, I’m going to call the Democratic operative who is my source “Walter,” as in “Walter Mondale”; his real name, of course, is not Walter.“David Shor is considered to be one of the absolute best in the business,” Walter said. Walter provided me with a screenshot of the e-mail that went out to the list.

I’ll include some of them in the narrative below, but I will not identify the authors of each comment (though I have their names). They have taken over all the social institutions. In other words, to do anything other than accept without question what BIPOC people on the list say is a sign of “white fragility” (this, even though one of the moderator-skeptical contributors in the documents I saw has an Indian name). What do NDAs bar them from doing? “There are sublists now formed where people get together and plan what they are going to say on this list, who they’re going to attack.

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The majority of posters affirmed that sharing Wasow’s paper was indeed ipso facto racist, because it could be used to support the conclusion that violent protest is harmful…Indeed, one member described the citation of Wasow’s paper not as an effort to inform or persuade but as an attempt to ‘dictate’ the behavior of people of color…“Not only is the rigor of Wasow’s research no defense, neither is the fact that he is also Black, which is dismissed as a ‘my best friend is Black’ form of tokenism”.It’s a chilling account; do read it all. I can’t imagine him wanting to.”Think of it: the woke mob within Democratic institutions may have professionally destroyed one of the best data analysts the party has.

The initial Chait story ramped this up. As Chait said, their names don’t really matter. But they didn’t say that.

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