View David Porter’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. My first book, Alongside this project, in recent years I have begun exploring facets of the literary, environmental, and sociocultural history of the Great Lakes region.I have been working for many years on the problem of how to think China and England together in the eighteenth century and early modern period.
My first book, Alongside this project, in recent years I have begun exploring facets of the literary, environmental, and sociocultural history of the Great Lakes region. ... Grand Historian Tau Delta Phi Fraternity.
David Porter is a historian of China who focuses on questions of empire, state-making, and identity in the Qing and early Republican periods. This work argues that the banners are better understood not as an ethnic institution dedicated to maintaining Manchu solidarity, but as a “service elite” – a multiethnic caste of imperial servitors whose hereditary political, legal, and economic privilege was tied to the military and administrative service they provided to the Qing court. David has 4 jobs listed on their profile. 1979) and Oxford (D.Phil 1984) universities and specialises in Greek and Roman Asia Minor, Greek and Latin historiography and epigraphy, Roman public entertainment, and the study of ancient warfare. Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute United States Department of State.
In addition to this larger project, he has worked on the post-imperial Manchu racial imaginings of a Daur bannerman in early 20th century Xinjiang, on the development of translation schools in 18th and 19th century China (and the unexpected connections between education in Manchu and education in English in the late Qing), and on the entangled public and private lives of a high-ranking frontier official and his epistolary correspondents in early 19th century Tibet, Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Beijing.At Yale, where he received his undergraduate degree in History in 2010 as a member of Saybrook College, he is teaching a seminar focused on the production and maintenance of identity categories (gender, status, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc) in the Qing empire, and the relationship between empire as a political system and the forms that identity took.Copyright © 2018 Council on East Asian Studies at the
Recent historical scholarship has shown the way towards a geographically capacious conception of the early modern world. However, they were also often troubled by the alien aesthetic sensibility these goods embodied. The British historian David Starkey has been dropped by his publisher and has resigned from an honorary position at a Cambridge University college after making racist remarks about slavery. Featuring essays by nine leading scholars of early modern Asia and Europe, Comparative Early Modernities casts aside the legacies of European exceptionalism to reveal the interconnected multiplicity of the early modern world and of the variety of unexpected pathways linking these histories to the evolving modernities of the 21st century. Eighteenth-century consumers in Britain, living in an increasingly globalised world, were infatuated with exotic Chinese and Chinese-styled goods, art and decorative objects. Treating the banners as a service elite, rather than a uniquely Manchu ethnic formation, will enable productive comparisons to analogous institutions elsewhere in early modern Eurasia. However, they were also often troubled by the alien aesthetic sensibility these goods embodied. Eighteenth-century consumers in Britain, living in an increasingly globalised world, were infatuated with exotic Chinese and Chinese-styled goods, art and decorative objects. Angell Hall David Porter analyzes the processes by which Chinese aesthetic ideas were assimilated within English culture.
Potter is a graduate of Harvard (A.B. Fax: 202-955-0268 Phone: 202-955-0200. I have been working for many years on the problem of how to think China and England together in the eighteenth century and early modern period.
He is currently working on a book manuscript dealing with the history of the Qing Eight Banners, the group of soldiers and bureaucrats that played a leading role both in the Qing conquests of China and Inner Asia and in the everyday administration of the Qing empire. David Porter. David Stone Potter (born 1957) is the Francis W. Kelsey Collegiate Professor of Greek and Roman History and the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Professor of Greek and Latin in Ancient History at The University of Michigan. This ambivalence figures centrally in the period's experience of China and of contact with foreign countries and cultures more generally. He received his PhD in History and East Asian Languages from Harvard University in 2018. Professor of English and Comparative Literature
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