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In fact, if you click on the 3 dots next to the Create button, and choose something like "Balsamiq Wireframes" it does create a new page with the wireframes at the point in the page hierarchy If the "Create" button mouse-over help had said "Create blank page under the current page", it would have helped me. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. For server apps, you can extend your app trial up to 5 times - in other words, for up to six months.

If you've already registered, sign in. Virtual folders (ie, those dynamically created based on metadata) are much more useful and provide far greater capability.So my first thought about this in Confluence was, how do I save this search so I can present users with a list of pages that meet certain parameters? Fair enough, it works - could be improved (esp. Otherwise, register and sign in.Because you already do, they're just called "pages" instead.Unlike most of the other people in this conversation, who really have no idea how information really works and becomes useful, you have said some things that do make sense.Just to kill off the main thing - "folders" are useless here.

You create spaces and pages inside spaces. I need to add one, not move one though.You must be a registered user to add a comment.

I'd rather not have to go create 100 dummy spaces, then 100 dummy pages, then fill each out, then copy paste dozens of times and reformat, then move each around.. hours of work and copy paste- ? It also allows user …

Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. If you've already registered, sign in. ">folders have limited usefulness, are a massive maintenance overhead and, over time, an enormous barrier to productivity.>There are a number of reasons for this. Folders work for structured classifications like file systems. Otherwise, register and sign in. Whether your team is large or small, technical or Luddite, there's a Confluence add-on to get everyone in sync. Get answers to your question from experts in the communityShare a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community1. I think I'll just use Notepad.You must be a registered user to add a comment. It is up to the designer to predict the problems of adoption (like: I am used to folders, where are they??). Look how many people have wasted valuable company time researching this issue. Otherwise, register and sign in.Obviously you haven't read this thread in detail, so I'll explain. I don't want to have to create and edit pages, even with a "list of children" template/macro, just to organize things into groups =/How is this controversial?? Does Confluence support folder structure?

And documentation on how to move things around in Confluence? The "Create" button is up with top level items such as Spaces, People, Calendars. Your thinking like a technologist and not a business person. ","pluginCount":2391,"key":"confluence","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence","rel":"self"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence/latest","rel":"latest-version"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"featured-plugins"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence/trending","rel":"most-popular-plugins"},{"href":"/search?product=confluence&hosting=cloud","rel":"ondemand-plugins"}],"atlassianConnectSupport":{"cloud":true,"server":false,"dataCenter":false},"order":1,"status":{"key":"Published","value":"Published"}}],"stable":true,"buildNumber":100000542,"summary":"Confluence 7.3 compatibility","addOnType":"Plugins 2"}
I don't understand why there is an active hatred of folders. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.I've been using Confluence less than a week. If you've already registered, sign in. There doesn't appear to be a saved search function.
Click and drag these into the structure you want:2.

There is also an anonymous 3-dots pulldown menu (no mouseover description) on the current page with fancier extended actions like:  Page history, Restrictions, etc. Otherwise, register and sign in.your space is the folder that holds all documents added to confluence.You must be a registered user to add a comment. Otherwise, register and sign in.Are there seriously no folders in Confluence, 7 years later?

Otherwise, register and sign in.Re:  I don't think you've grasped what the software does.I've used a lot of software over many years. MPS User's Guide; Building standalone IDEs for your languages; Browse pages Especially the parts where I ask how folders should be implemented, how they would be different to the existing hierarchy, and, most importantly, how they would be of any use?Just saying "I want folders" is no good. Confluence is a wiki, not a file system. It doesn't say where. This was a genuine surprise!

They're job is to clear the road so others can get to where they need to go. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Access your folders with just one step. Otherwise, register and sign in.Ah, you create a new space, then click on ... in the upper right, the "move". If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.Go to the page you want to create a child of. It's not that useful in Confluence, but it doesn't stop you.You must be a registered user to add a comment. You're one step closer to meeting fellow Atlassian users at your local event. If you've already registered, sign in.

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