I do believe him but I’m in so much pain. I always had a gut feeling about everything, so I had little trust for him. I received a text at lunch time from him saying that the morning had not been too illuminating and that he had a 90 minute break before he had to be back in session.

Can anyone justify lies? Both are unique symptom patterns that are innate in severe mental illnesses like impulse control disorder. I wouldn’t be friends with someone that disrespected me and show’s no remorse!According to my husband I am all of these except for the occasional one. He told me he was going to get help. Get the other person defending themselves and thinking they are wrong.I don’t like to lie but I seem to make it a tendency almost wanting to be a pathological liar but end up with white lies that don’t end in a sociologic progressive manner, almost with the earge to be a sociopathic liar….. it all began when i thought I was good at reading people… a liar is only hiding from the reality they could be enjoying. He introduced me to his family and friends very quickly. To think you feel like you can trust a man with yours and your daughters life (he appeared to be so so amazing, had two children of his own, successful asset wise) then to find out you’re a piss poor judge of character is devastating on your inner core.Wow, It was like I just read my thoughts exactly. He didn’t care. I feel like he manipulates me so much into forgiving him. Ive been with my husband 8 years and all he do is constantly lie. What conclusion I have made is that these types of people don’t do it to hurt you intentionally that is who they are, they have to change for themselves. The faults she accuses me of are her own but I don’t dare say anything because she has a way of ripping me apart that brings me to tears. Will the pain ever go away. She finally yells back I’m a compulsive liar but she said she will change now LOLI tell lies to avoid a possible awkward alternate outcome.I recently moved to the same state and city my sister lives in. They tend to be charismatic and charming, but they will use their exceptional social skills in a self-centered and manipulative manner.These individuals will always bend the truth, regardless of how small or large the question is. ~.HopelessHi your story is heart breaking I too just ended a 7 year relationship and I’m am sad for the break up but at the same time glad I got out now before he completely destroyed my faith in men . (The lies will become weightier and costlier then.) Hence he has a wife or a girl friend hes been with. take care and avoid being more then you are, and so ulcerous lessI have been married 22 years, from day one my husband had lied to me about everything big or small. He was not in the process of divorce yet because he said a lawyer told him to just exhaust the woman to filing herself. My fiancé and I never got married but we’re about to when I just couldn’t take his lying anymore .

But wouldn’t you get angry, if you know something was done and the person kept denying it. All of the things you’d expect a person to do to assure you of their good intentions, he did. He thinks there is no problem but his crazy wife, and I’m sure his friends think I am too. A great person said ‘the Truth will set you free’! For years I didn’t know what was going on and he had me stuck in his web of lies and gas-lighting and sheer threats. he can do something right in front of my face and he will still lie about it and say he didn’t do it. Especially when the person that has been lying to you makes you second guess your own self worth.I’m sorry for what your going through. I have been married for 15 years to a man who has lied too many times to count. he lies constantly, and I feel so stupid thinking that each time ….he will change.He won’t change. If the CiA teaches a class on how to lie she’d be the professor. We both desired to be married in the future. We’ve been split 3 months now cause I couldn’t take the lies anymore. it makes me feel awful. I am very fortunate to not have any kids with him. I tried. Now however, I believe he decided to take a free day to do something he doesn’t want me to know about. I was wondering why I could not meet his family or his son. I felt like I was the joke amongst them.I know that he is a compulsive liar and potential narcissist.

Compulsive liars are defined as someone who continually lies from sheer habit.

It really is sickening that he can do these things to people. The worst I deal with are made up stories I could care less about but find out later on just be. You’re not worth telling the truth to is how a stranger would perceive your plight. He’s the reason for me being crazy. Now I feel horrible, what do I do? If you can say you have never lied then you can throw the first stone. He doesn’t even have a license. I’m a lover of wisdom. They will sometimes tell only part of the truth, and not be suspected of lying at all. When it would be soHe often talks in vague non descriptive ways and takes focus of the conversation off of himself to avoid disclosure . I fell for him in a bad way. If he truly wants to get help, I don’t want to abandon him when he needs support. I was desperate to learn anything I could that might save the relationship but it just isn’t possible. When he left this time, like this ain’t the first time, he pushed my buttons and started a fight which I feel was what he wanted. Is there no hope for us? They were taught long ago to be that way through their own childhood relationships and experiences and old habits are hard to break but when it comes to personality it is really tough to change that about yourself. I loved him so. .First step you already made by owning up to your habit of lying. The problem is he only shows this when he is actually caught.

He presented himself as very honest and trustworthy.

He was out of town at a conference and ended up arriving a day early which I know was not his doing because someone else booked it.

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