This should help you get an idea of how many plants you will want to gather to fill your farm plot. This makes Hobart’s much more effective since it’s relatively easy to craft and it’s very hands-off after placing it in the sprinkler.Long story short, use Hobart’s as soon as you are able to!There are lots of naturally occurring plants in the wilderness of Ignus that can be harvested directly, but if you’re going to be doing any large scale building or crafting, you’re going to need to plant these in farms for maximum efficiency.There are also plants that cannot be found anywhere on the map and can only be acquired by crafting their specific seeds. The plants that can be found in Ignus take an hour, while seeds created by workbenches takes 4 hours. Uses Eating it will restore 10 Mana Rare, mystical flowers found in the harsh tundras of the north. Greetings, Wizards and Witches of Ignus! Second, each plot takes 3 Mulch to fully fertilize, which is INSANE. There are 7 Tier 2 plants in total. Great, but I can almost guarantee you’re probably going to run out of supplies quicker than you think. The color of the liquid the Sprinkler is spraying will clearly change if you have applied it successfully and the countdown timer will give an indication of how much Fertilizer is left in the Sprinkler.
So if you break down 100 plants, expect 60 seeds (give or take depending on RNG).As stated before, Tier 2 plants can only be had by crafting their seeds from the seeds of Tier 1 plants and planting them into your farm. My biggest suggestion is to save up all your bones from the very start of the game so you’ll have to grind less for them later on.Now that we’ve discussed the layout of your farm, let’s talk a bit about the fertilizing mechanic in this game. Vent3r. Behold the One True Guide to Farming in Citadel: Forged With Fire. As long as the Farm Plot is watered and fertilized, plants take between 1 and 4 hours to grow depending on what you are growing. And third, because Hobart’s + Sprinkler is so strong you’ll never consider Mulch after I explain it to you.If we read the description for Hobart’s Growth Solution, it says:So that means one Hobart’s equals 2700 fertilizer, right?
As an example, hit the faery camp next to Caves of Plavno at 4:30.
Here’s an example of my current large-farm setup:Whatever design you choose, I suggest leaving at least enough room to fit in some way to power your sprinklers, whether that be mana generators, or a Mana Node (basically a range extender for generators).Now that we have the layout covered, let’s break down the cost of this tileable farm layout:Long story short, it’s not cheap to set up your farming. Aug 2, 2017 @ 3:41pm Where do i find a corpse flower??
I’ll refer to these as Tier 2 plants, while the naturally occurring plants will be called Tier 1.The map of Ignus can be broken down into 3 “biomes”, shown in the picture below:The drawn borders are rough approximations and not exact.Each biome is home to 3 of our different Tier 1 Plants, for a total of 9. It’s one of the least intuitive to figure out, and it’s not really well explained by the game at all.There are 2 ways to fertilize in Citadel: Fertilize each plot by hand using Mulch, or putting some Hobart’s Growth Solution into a Sprinkler and letting it do its thing. Consume to regenerate+10 Mana. For now, let’s talk about layout.There is exactly one 100% optimal layout for farm plots and sprinklers, and you’re probably already familiar with it:Simply put, this design is a 3×3 grid with a sprinkler in the middle, with 8 farm plots surrounding it in a ring. Here are the plants you can find in each region:To farm Tier 1 plants, you’ll need to collect some from the wild in order to break them down into seeds with the Deconstructor – the seeds are then what can be planted into your farm plots. But we’ll talk more about that later. Use these spots until you hit at least level 40.Pro Tip: Since mobs respawn at 6am and 6pm every in-game day (by the way, there’s a clock above the compass on your HUD if you didn’t know already), if you time it right, you can do a double-run in one outing. Kill all the mobs and reach the end of the cave by 6:00. In this guide, you’ll learn all there is to know about farming in Citadel and the techniques to use for farming as efficiently as possible while minimizing the waste of your precious resources!Farming is fairly accessible from the get-go when you create a new character in Citadel. Then enter and start the cave at 5:00. Seeds can be found in the wild and from random loot drops, but mostly they have to be made by putting plants in the Each Farm Plot can hold 6 seeds of any description.
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