Listen and learn how to pronounce Cillian so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name.

Love the name now! Cillian Murphy as Dr. Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow: A psycho-pharmacologist who works at Arkham Asylum and has developed fear-inducing toxins.
We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Cillian. The mask was put to good use when a victim was poisoned, which made Scarecrow's appearance all the more terrifying to the victim: Batman hallucinated bats crawling out of the "mouth", Rachel hallucinated maggots writhing in it, Falcone saw him moving about in a blur, while a boy saw both Scarecrow and his mounted police horse with fiery eyes, with the horse also breathing fire. From the Latin name Patricius, which meant "nobleman".

Notable examples included: Crane wore a mask, that was a seemingly a poorly-stitched burlap sack with a hangman's noose that dangled around the neck. He takes on the persona of the Scarecrow to intimidate others and further his study of fears and phobias. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account.You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Cillian on Nameberry. All together, the name is beautiful and doesn't remind me of "kill" at all.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. In Despite the toxin's frightening effectiveness, Crane was quite defenseless once the gas was bypassed, as witnessed when Batman subdued him with little trouble. This classic Irish name, which is better known in this country by its phonetic form Killian, is one of several newer recommended Gaelic choices that have entered the American name pool.Killian now stands at Number 516 in the US, while Cillian is 22 in its Irish homeland Directed by Michael Lander. Crane got the opportunity to do so when the rumors about him came to the attention of the mysterious eco-terrorist, As it turned out, shortly later, Crane didn't die as everyone thought. The toxin was a powerful psychotropic hallucinogenic, which caused disturbing images of fear in its victim's minds. However, academic community members who knew the real story gleefully spread it around Gotham, and, by the time that the news had reached Arkham Asylum, the doctors there didn't get the bad news about Crane in question, who was invited to the asylum and was hired as Chief Administrator. The name Cillian is a boy's name of Irish origin meaning "war strife or church".. If you like the Finn names and love James Joyce, Finnegan is extremely winning. This drama is set in rural Ireland.

Will & Grace 's Eric McCormack chose the Finnigan spelling for his son. 'I agree!

With Cillian Murphy, Ellen Page, Susan Sarandon, Josh Lucas. Born on October 20th, 1973 out of wedlock, Jonathan Crane was raised in the care of his religious fanatic grandmother, who had less than pure intentions for him. By then, some fellow psychiatrists indicated that Crane himself was insane, and that he was willing to admit such possibility by clinical standards which he wasn't ready to show were irrelevant to him than they were relevant to most humans.

Murphy read numerous comics featuring the Scarecrow, and discussed making the character look less theatrical with Nolan.

He was portrayed in the Batman Nolan Film Trilogy by Cillian Murphy. But as he remained Arkham's resident genius, Crane prepared himself to make a grand theory to prove that fear was the basis of all of humanity's errors and "cure" it by ushering mankind with the fear-induction within his hallucinogen into a true Garden of Eden where all of its worst fears came true and were conquered, with him as its benevolent ruler.

Nolan decided against Murphy for Batman, before casting him as Scarecrow. This name was adopted in the 5th-century by Saint Patrick, whose birth name was Sucat. The mask had a built-in re-breather and acted as a gas mask, in addition to enhancing the effect of the hallucinations in his experiments. To ensure that his grandmother no longer inflicted her cruelty on him, Crane decided to run away with a tuition check from the mail and traveled to After he was angrily fired from the Psychology Professor post at the end of the semester, Crane told Gotham's Public Relations Office at a press release that he reluctantly left the school in order to pursue other opportunities such as research in the private sector. After six years of servitude he escaped home, but he eventually became a bishop and went back to Ireland as a missionary. Ronald is a masculine given name derived from the Old Norse Rögnvaldr., or possibly from Old English Regenweald, see Searle's Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum page 397.In some cases Ronald is an Anglicised form of the Gaelic Raghnall, a name likewise derived from Rögnvaldr. After he was given license to experiment on the insane asylum inmates, Crane set up a Fear Aversion therapy program in which his drug was used to frighten his worst fears and those of his patients, which eventually developed his worsened mystique with a sadistic personality disorder.

The name Finnegan is a boy's name of Irish origin meaning "fair".. With Colm Meaney, Adrian Dunbar, Cillian Murphy, Kerry Condon.

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