San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum. The New Children’s Museum in Downtown San Diego, California is dedicated to helping children learn and experience the world through the lens of contemporary art. With a variety of interactive installations and hands-on activities, there's always something new to discover! The Museum is working on our reopening plan but we do not have an opening date yet. In the Experimentation area, children make connections with science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on activities.

The Magnetic Ball Wall, Floating Objects, Light Table, and building stations encourage critical thinking skills through scientific...The Museum's outdoor Children's Discovery Garden captivates children with a wide variety of nature-based science activities and exhibits.

Things to Do in San Diego ; The New Children's Museum; Search. Bring a selection of Museum exhibits and workshops to your location. 190 Reviews #110 of 440 things to do in San Diego. … Stay tuned!

The Museum brings families together in a rich educational environment that fosters creativity -- blending elements of art museum and children's museum.

About the Business The New Children's Museum is a dynamic new model of a children's museum that provides inventive and engaging art experiences that are meaningful to children and families. Children's Museums. Celebrate your child’s next birthday at the Museum! Be a dentist in our "Grin Land!" (760) 233-7755.

The Museum offers a variety of daily programs and special events throughout the year.

The New Children's Museum. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy Our reNEWing Hope Fund supports our creative online efforts during the closure as well as helps us as we prepare to reopen.We want to thank the following reNEWing Hope donors:  Learn how you can support us during our closure through the Be a dentist in our "Grin Land!" Children's Museums, Day Camps. The New Children's Museum. Interactive exhibits such as the Water Wise Table, Nature Play, and the Pollinator Garden help children of all ages learn to appreciate their surroundings....EBT / SNAP or CalFresh / WIC Cardholders Discount: The Exploration area focuses on world cultures, social science, and history.
247. For more information on the ACM reciprocal membership program, please visit the Association of Children’s Museums . Children's … The New Children’s Museum is a new model of children’s museum whose mission is to stimulate imagination, creativity and critical thinking in children and families through inventive and engaging experiences with contemporary art. If you have an ACM Reciprocal Sticker* on your membership card from another museum, you will receive half off admission to San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum for up to six people. 190 Reviews #110 of 440 things to do in San Diego. The Imagination area in the San Diego Children's Museum encourages creativity, language development, emotional skills, and artistic expression.

Corporate gifts can support Museum exhibits, programs, outreach, and operations. The Imagination area in the San Diego Children's Museum encourages creativity, language development, emotional skills, and artistic expression.

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