Why are you publishing something that is NOT true????? They’re just standing up for what they believe and I do believe that the other officers should be charged toI think the comment was rude and been with the news has long has is has he should knew better why would he prefer to African-Americans as animals they’re only standing up for what they believe and I think the other offices should be charged an incident to thank youAfrican Americans are people too they’re not animals they’re standing up for the person that died for no reason just because a police officer wouldn’t listen to reason and I think the other officers should be charged toHe didn’t call just African Americans animals, there was white and Hispanic also. We like his style and his humor in reporting news.. News to report? And yes every race that was there doing this was acting like animals!He didn’t. Other things have happened worse . Our OTA TV guide lists the television shows you can be America’s leading cord cutting resource now shows TV guide listings for NoCable is the industry leading resource dedicated to being a one-stop shop for everything related to cutting the Cable TV cord. Destruction of property by angels and saints?? Local, national and international news that matters to people in and around Columbus, Ohio.
I say to the whiners and attackers of all those hypersensitive individuals who are sooooo offended by what Bob said, “ GROW UP” before our culture and country are destroyed.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:The site for news, info and rumors affecting Denver’s public relations community, published by Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Former 9News Anchor Bob Kendrick Takes Criticism for Protest Post I have seen coyotes surround prey and attack. What do you call that behavior…….no matter the color of your skin. Local, national and international news that matters to people in and around Columbus, Ohio. There were various races, but there just happen to be more African Americans in that clip. No ❤.I was sick when I heard Bob Kendrick was groveling and apologizing for saying something that needed no apologizing. We are looking to FOX to do the right thing.Please bring back Bob Kendrick! If it sounds exciting, he wants to jump in, experience it, and creatively bring everyone in on the action.Join the adventure and catch him weekday mornings on Good Day Columbus in "Cam Around Town!" He is right, these people acted terrible. He is professional, kind, and cares about giving 100% to all of the viewers.
Kendrick is an anchor at ABC6/Fox28 in Columbus, Ohio (the stations have a shared services agreement).
News to report? Although she has experience in writing and producing news, Katie is now well-known as the traffic reporter for Channel 6’s Good Day Columbus. Hi/Low, RealFeel, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Cameron is an EMMY Award-winning TV host, feature and entertainment reporter for ABC 6 and FOX 28 and the CW Star on The CW Columbus. 404K likes.
He was just being HONEST ! There were blacks & whites participating in the looting & destruction!Bob Kendrick is the main reason we switched to 6 news. It is time to replace Bob kendrick at channel 6 news.Bob was not talking about just black ppl , it was all the ppl and they were acting like animals,he’s the best anchorman in Cols. I watch abc channel 6 news because I Have always enjoyed Bob. Forgiveness as God has for all of us.I remember Bob kendrick saying something to Adam the last wednesday of March that had sexual overtones.
The ones that were looting & destroying people’s businesses are animals. So far looks like 99% agree with Bob and are looking to see what you do about it. There had been other times he has said odd and inappropriate remarks. The thin skin of people today is appalling. You got my vote ! Although she has experience in writing and producing news, Katie is now well-known as the traffic reporter for Channel 6’s Good Day Columbus. Well if you don’t need a couple thousand viewers like us, then good for you. Bob is #1 ! Whom ever was causing destruction and chaos, was who he was referring to. Cameron is an EMMY Award-winning TV host, feature and entertainment reporter for ABC 6 and FOX 28 and the CW Star on The CW Columbus.Cameron was born in Osaka, Japan, grew up in Southern California from age 7, moved to Columbus, Ohio in 2005 and currently resides in Pickerington with his wife Katie and daughter Chanel. Standing up for your rights isnt burning down buildings and looting, that’s just an excuse. Personal Life & Family Background : Born on December 28, 1986, in Springfield, Ohio, Katie’s work opportunities had her … Bring Bob back to do the job he does so well and move on. We sometimes receive an affiliate commission from product sales generated through these affiliate links.NoCable is not affiliated with any Cable TV company, nor similar antenna lookup services like AntennasWeb or TV Fool. WSYX ABC 6, Columbus, OH. 1 day ago. No one can say anything that can please all people all the time. Without him we will be going back to Channel 4 news.Where did Bob Kendrick go?? Everything is not about Me, Me, Me. Why in the world he was required to apologize for this, I cannot imagine.Yes, I can, and, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the quest for equality or respect.We are still watching to see what your misguided station does. He did not reference Black People.
These riots are never good and only cause more heartache and trouble for those who have to clean up after them. I believe we all Need to have shut mouth grace, especially during these times.There is no way Bob said anything wrong! !bob did nothing wrong the people tearing everything are animals we love bob and if he does not come back soon i am going to channel 10if this news station fires bob then im done with watching their news. He is what makes Channel 6 worth watching ! Bob Kendrick described particular destruction and terrorizing activity. You look stupid not Bob for what he said. Bob never said those “African Americans” are animals or are acting like animals! Our OTA TV guide lists the television shows you can be watching for free with any quality TV antenna . He called the people that tore up the stations car with reporters in it, ANIMALS. 404K likes.
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