Gareth is the only carver of family crests on Lapis Lazuli in North America. In droves people migrated to the many British colonies, those in North America in particular, paying high rates for passages in cramped, unsafe ships.

The highly detailed graphic artwork is then clear-coated to protect the art for years of trouble-free elegant beauty.

Learn about the history of this surname and heraldry from our database and online image library.

If you think the surname Carver has another country of origin besides the ones listed here, then E-Mail or phone us (615-696-0202) and we will do a quick search to see if we can find it. translation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenu By 1838, the British New Zealand Company had begun buying land from the Maori tribes, and selling it to settlers, and, after the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, many British families set out on the arduous six month journey from Britain to Aotearoa to start a new life.

The many generations and branches of the Carver family can all place the origins of their surname with the ancient The surname Carver is derived from the Old English word Years later, the family was found much further to the north in This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Carver research.

Carver Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest Carver Genealogy & History.

Email Address. England We do have the Carver coat of arms / family crest along with the surname history from the above countries. Carver Family Crest / Carver Coat of Arms Click on this link TO SEE OUR COATS OF ARMS / FAMILY CRESTS PRODUCTS FOR THIS SURNAME Origin Displayed: English Spelling variations of this family name include: Carver, Carvere, Carvar, Carever, Carber and others.
Carver genealogy is first recorded in Norfolk, England. Carver Family Crest / Carver Coat of Arms CARVER was an occupational name 'the wood-carver' a sculptor.

The Carver family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. It can come either from the "ceorfan" meaning to cut or carve and in this case referred to a wood carver or sculptor.
Castle Family Crest. Early Americans Bearing the Carter Family Crest Reverend Thomas Carter of Watertown, Massachusetts was granted the following arms in London in 1612: Argent a chevron between three cartwheels vert, with a crest that is a mount vert, a greyhound sejant argent, … Carver Coat of Arms and Carver Family Crest. We do have the Carver coat of arms / family crest along with the surname history from the above countries. Emigration to New Zealand followed in the footsteps of the European explorers, such as Captain Cook (1769-70): first came sealers, whalers, missionaries, and traders.

Family Crest Hand Carved Door: Customize With Any Crest Or Logo. In 1840 there were 64 Carver families living in Pennsylvania. translation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.expand_submenutranslation missing: en.general.drawers.collapse_submenu The Mccarver family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Your family crest is carved 'in intaglio' in the traditional style and technique. Both are occupational surnames. The design of other Jewelers signet rings makes the crest stone take any impact directly. First found in Norfolk where they held a family seat from very ancient times. Castell Family Crest. The most Carver families were found in the USA in 1880.

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