LOCATION: New York State Capital District (Albany, Schenectady, Troy) USAGE: Broadcast and Web (full buyout) RATE: $600/8 must self-report (NO TRAVEL, NO AGENCY FEE) SEEKING: [NON-CAUCASIAN WOMEN, 50-65 Yrs] Female, 50-65 yrs, NON-CAUCASIAN ETHNICITIES, STRONG ACTORS for speaking roles. Where: Capital Region Talent: Non Union, All roles are non–speaking (no need to prepare anything ahead of time) The usage is a complete buyout-Video and Stills for all media placement Paid Roles is a range of $250–$1,000.00 depending on what role is offered. The singers are drawn from 45 schools in 4 counties of the greater Capital District of New York State. Beginning Aug. 10, "Idol Across America" remote auditions will take place across all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., for the first time since the show's inception, making auditions easier than ever. *Direct Booking ONLY: self-tapes/headshots/resumes/reelsRATE: $830/4 hours + 10% agency fee + $75 travel stipendFemale, 35-45 yrs, any ethnicity. Shoots in the 1) “MEDICAL TESTS COST TOO MUCH – IT’S JUST NOT WORTH GETTING SCREENED FOR BREAST CANCER.”2) “IT TAKES TOO LONG – I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME FOR IT.”3) “I DON’T HAVE A FAMILY HISTORY OF CANCER – SO I’M PROBABLY FINE.”LOCAL PRINCIPAL CASTING DIRECTOR: BreakThrough CastingSHOOT LOCATION: Poughkeepsie, NY (LOCAL HIRE ONLY)RATE: $335/8 hours + fringes + credit (Non-Union talent will receive Taft-Hartleys)Love Comes Later is a subversive crime, thriller with some pulp undertones. A young woman comes to America to start over again. STRONG ACTOR, TELEPROMPTER PRO WITH RANGE who can efficiently deliver a 2-3 minute long form script with ease. This role requires semi-nudity (wearing brassiere and panties) while performing a simulated sex under a blanket…5 scenes, 10 lines Male, 20s-30s, STRONG CHARACTER FACES THAT CAPTURE THE QUALITIES OF WORN, WEATHERED, BROKEN, DISPLACED- A HUGE PLUS.. any ethnicity. “Citizen of the world” with a neutral accent, easygoing, kind, accessible, good energy- someone to whom you can turn for help. The 2020 – 2021 Capital District Education Document reviewed last... (This message is intended for those leading their Kiwanis club in 2020-2021 but since many clubs haven't filed club elections reports yet, it is also being sent to current club leadership. She may or may not know their secret. ONLY SEASONED PROS SHOULD APPLY.When co-workers and friends ask me what I do as a coordinator for the “Employee Assistance Program”- I have one simple answer: I make life a little easier for New York State employees.I can help you deal with big problems that you just didn’t see coming- in addition to the everyday issues that might keep you from doing your best at work.Whether it’s a work, family or personal problem, E-A-P can help. It is incorporated and approved by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) of New York City. She’s a prostitute who buys drugs from Jimmy and also sleeps around with him. Capital District of Kiwanis InternationalIf you were unable to join the meeting, please CLICK HERE to view a recording of the session on the Capital District Education page. The Capital District Youth Chorale, formerly the Schenectady County Community College Children's Chorus, was founded in 1982 by Diane Warner. Capital District Fusion He makes out with Una, close friend to Angel, possible Karaoke singing involved…3 scenesRates for future videos will fluctuate to reflect the scope of work required by talent. Shoots in the New York State Capital District (Albany, Schenectady, Troy) so it’s MANDATORY that you are able to SELF-REPORT BY CAR. Auditions are held at Albany Civic Theater, 235 Second Ave., Albany NY. Sides will be made available. Click on column heading to sort by that column View Statistics Abbreviations.
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