That’s a financial and practical question rather than a legal one. Thus, if you actually want to buy something with your credit card, it should be insurance or stocks. and comparison service. we’re putting your interests first. STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 20, 2020 (State House News Service) — Allowing people to buy scratch tickets and draw game numbers with debit cards …

offers that may be available to you. In a lottery, everything is out of your control. This compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear.

Our editorial team does not Why is this though? The main reason people get credit cards is for their rewards and cashbacks. This is the case because a lot of states prohibit using your credit card for lottery tickets. does not include all companies or all available products.

At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions.

There’s no guarantee your purchase – and even winnings, if your numbers match up – is legitimate.For other lottery games, some states have begun offering their own online lotto ticket sales to state residents. While credit cards are used to buy everything from human skeletons to celebrity encounters these days, the winner of the next big lottery drawing will likely purchase a paper ticket, in person, with cash.. Lottery ticket sales are banned by law in many states and even where you can buy them, credit cards are often forbidden as a way to buy them, either by state law or by the banks … “Irresponsible use of credit can lead to unmanageable debt and the serious consequences that follow. For instance, if you want to use your credit card for buying lottery tickets but the merchant refuses to use it, you can’t buy them. Twenty-nine states prohibit the practice, as does Washington D.C. The average US millennial spends nearly $1000 every single year on lottery tickets.

The ease of buying lottery tickets largely relies on where you live, with some states accepting credit card payments and even allowing online purchases for lottery tickets. Replaced games are ended and you can no longer buy tickets for them. For instance, if you want to use your credit card for buying lottery tickets but the merchant refuses to use it, you can’t buy them. These should answer the question of whether you should or should not buy lottery tickets with your credit card. staff is objective, factual, and not influenced by our

Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accurate information. The journalists in the editorial department are separate from the company’s business operations. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site, including, for example, the order in which they may appear within listing categories. It is no different than putting money on horse races or on blackjack since they’re all games of chance. Q: I went to a local store to buy lottery tickets. For your safety, do not disclose confidential or personal information such as bank account numbers or social security numbers. But you can use a gift card or debit card – unless the specific retailer prohibits using debit. and our content is thoroughly fact-checked to ensure accuracy. Some credit card issuers don’t allow lottery ticket purchases. Our mission is to provide readers with

The rules and laws pertaining to lotteries are determined at the state level. wide range offers, Bankrate does not include information about

If you have non-winning tickets to ended Scratchers games, you must submit them into Scratchers ® 2nd Chance before the 2nd Chance submission deadline. That’s astounding and sad.

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